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F.J. van Leijen

8 records found

Over the years, InSAR has become an indispensable tool in the study of ground deformation, including volcanic deformation, and this continues to be the case in times of improved technology. Since the volcanoes on the Caribbean islands of Saba and St. Eustatius are active, the imp ...
Undiscovered underground cavities might exist in the subsurface. A catastrophic ground failure event follows when such a cavity starts to migrate upwards and finally intersects with the surface, resulting in a sinkhole. Catastrophic collapse events are usually preceded by precurs ...

Limiting land subsidence of an island polder with a clay - peat subsurface

How can land subsidence be limited in a clay - peat polder through the implementation of water management practices in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve (ground)water quality and stimulate biodiversity?

For hundreds of years, ditch water levels in Dutch agricultural peatlands have been lowered to increase the loading capacity of farming parcels. This lowering results in groundwater levels in the middle of the parcels that fall a few decimeters under the ditch levels. When the gr ...

Estimation of horizontal deformation rates based on tachymetric measurements

Processing measurements collected yearly in the geothermal area Bjarnarflag in North-East Iceland from 2015 to 2018

Measurements of a tachymetric network in the geothermal area of Bjarnarflag in North-East Iceland are performed during four consecutive years (2015-2018). For the yearly adjustment of the measurements an alternative iteration scheme to Baarda’s ’B-method of testing’ is proposed, ...
Bathymetry strongly affects nearshore hydrodynamics that drive sediment transport. However, recent bed level information is not always available, especially not simultaneously resolved in space and time. Time series of radar backscatter images can be used to retrieve bed levels i ...
Almost four million people in the Netherlands who live below sea level are protected by 17000 km of dikes against the water. Since deformation can be an indicator of a developing failure mechanism, information about this parameter can help authorities to detect weak spots in the ...
Flooding is a very costly natural disaster especially when it hits urban areas. Yet synthetic aperture radar (SAR) based flood mapping barely works in urban areas. Buildings and man made objects have similar backscatter signatures as still standing water. This makes them hard to ...
Parameter and ambiguity estimation in the temporal domain, for arcs of differential phase observations between two persistent scatterers (PS), is a critical part in Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI). Deformation models, used as constraint in the parameter estimation, ofte ...