J.E.A. Storms
149 records found
Wind-driven hydrodynamic and depositional patterns in shallow lakes
An exploratory modelling approach based on an archetypal case of Lake Hulun
Lake Hulun, the fifth-largest lake in China, is a shallow lake (water depth <10 m) with typical wave-dominated landforms developed around the shoreline, with a semi-enclosed bay located in its southern corner. This novel study aims to understand wind-driven hydrodynamics and i
Sedimentation on river floodplains is a complex process that involves overbank flooding, crevasse splaying, and river avulsion. The resulting floodplain stratigraphy often exhibits floodplain aggradation cycles with alternating fine-grained overbank flooding deposits that underwe
Alluvial stratigraphy builds up over geologic time under the complex interplay of external climatic and tectonic forces and internal stochastic processes. This complexity makes it challenging to attribute alluvial stratigraphic changes to specific factors. Geological records indi
River sediment supply (Qs) and longshore sediment transport (LST) are recognized as two paramount controls on river delta morphodynamics and stratigraphy. We employed the Delft3D model to simulate the evolution of deltas from fluvial to wave-dominated conditions, revealing the in
Littoral landforms of Lake Hulun and Lake Buir (China and Mongolia)
Wind-driven hydro-sedimentary dynamics and resulting clastics distribution
Two rectangular-shaped lakes, Lake Hulun and Lake Buir, located at the boundary between China and Mongolia, only c. 75 km apart and therefore experiencing similar wind fields, have been studied based on satellite images and field surveys in order to compare their geomorphological
Multiscale Stratigraphic Reservoir Characterization for Flow and Storage of CO2
Roadmap for Modelling and Quantitative Understanding
This poster outlines a hierarchical, multiscale modelling approach that is adapted from proven hydrocarbon reservoir characterization workflows to determine which 3D sedimentological and stratigraphic heterogeneity types at which temporal and spatial scales and in which configura
Many stratigraphic features occur at a scale that is at the edge or below vertical seismic resolution. Thus, they cannot be directly observed in the seismic data, while still having an important effect on the fluid flow within the system. The better understanding of these sub-sei
A complete annual cycle of the dynamics of fine-grained sediment supplied by the Omo and smaller rivers is simulated for Lake Turkana, one of the world’s large lakes, with the hydrodynamic, wave and sediment transport model Delft3D. The model is forced with river liquid and solid
Crevasse splay morphodynamics near a non-vegetated, ephemeral river terminus
Insights from process-based modelling
Crevasse splays generate subtle local relief and contribute to fluvial basin sedimentary filling but controls on splay development along dryland rivers remain poorly understood owing to limited field, laboratory, and numerical modelling studies. Based on previously-acquired field
ABSTRACT The lower Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA, is an alluvial succession with a sand content varying around 25 palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates, as well as sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis. Channel dynamics were studied at a relat
In natural deltaic settings, mixed hydrodynamic forcings and sediment properties are known to influence the preserved delta deposits. One process that has not received much attention yet is syn-sedimentary compaction of clastic sediment on millennial-scale delta evolution. To stu
The Golo River drains a steep catchment (average gradient of 30 m km−1, surface of 1214 km2) in the northeast part of Corsica Island, delivering sediments to the Ligurian Sea. In this study, we review and revise the geologic map and constrain the extent of t
Formation of alluvial stratigraphy is controlled by autogenic processes that mix their imprints with allogenic forcing. In some alluvial successions, sedimentary cycles have been linked to astronomically-driven, cyclic climate changes. However, it remains challenging to define ho
Low-temperature thermochronology as a control on vertical movements for semi-quantitative source-to-sink analysis
A case study for the Permian to Neogene of Morocco and surroundings
Continental passive margins and their hinterlands in the Atlantic realm have been the locus of many Low Temperature Thermochronology (LTT) and time-Temperature (t-T) modelling studies that evidence pre-, syn- and post-rift episodic km-scale exhumation and burial episodes. In this
Despite the importance of channel avulsion in constructing fluvial stratigraphy, it is unclear how contrasting avulsion processes are reflected in stratigraphic-stacking patterns of channelized fluvial sand bodies, as a proxy for how river depocenters shifted in time and space. U
Source to sink reconstruction of a Holocene Fjord‐infill
Depositional patterns, suspended sediment yields, wind‐induced circulation patterns and trapping efficiency for Lake Strynevatnet, inner Nordfjord, Norway
This paper reconstructs the sedimentation volumes and patterns, suspended sediment yields, wind‐induced circulation patterns and sediment trapping efficiency of Lake Strynevatnet, western Norway as an integrated source to sink system. The lake became deglaciated ca 11 ky cal bp,
How can the Netherlands adapt to sea level rise on the long term: maintain, advance or retreat? This article compares the results of seven plans and designs from a diverse group of scholars and professionals that offer very different answers to this question. This diversity broad
Modern and ancient analogues are often consulted by geologists to help understand subsurface systems. While modern analogues provide information on the areal relationship between facies, ancient systems provide detailed data on the vertical facies variations, typically along a tw
While the severity of the climate crisis calls for a discussion on
transformative and potentially disruptive change, science, engineering,
design, governance and practice are currently too detached to
effectively contribute to such discussions.
The spatial manifestation o
Meandering rivers are abundant on Earth, from the largest rivers to the smallest tributaries. The classical view of meandering rivers is a sinuous planform with rounded bends, which grow and migrate until they are cut-off. However, many low-energy meandering rivers have planforms