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F.J. van Leijen

99 records found

In gebieden met een slappe veen- en/of kleigrond, die op grote schaal voorkomen in West- en Noord-Nederland, leiden verschillende bodemprocessen tot seizoensgebonden verticale bodembeweging en lange-termijn bodemdaling. Het bepalen hiervan is belangrijk om (1) in kaart te brengen ...
Due to its sensitivity to water vapor, high resolution, and global availability, interferometric satellite radar (InSAR) has a large but unexploited potential for the improvement of regional NWP models. A relatively straightforward approach is to exploit the exact instantaneous c ...

SARXarray and STMtools

Open-Source Python Libraries for InSAR Data Processing and Analysis

We introduce SARXarray and STMtools, two python libraries designed to support the exploitation of modern Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data by enabling handling of larger-than memory datasets and the incorporation and fusion with relevant contextual information ...
We present the preliminary results of an InSAR analysis of peatland surface motion covering a large spatial and temporal extent. This work is the first large scale analysis of the Dutch Green Heart region, and is made possible using a novel distributed scatter (DS) InSAR processi ...
The growing availability of SAR data offers a real-time deformation monitoring opportunity, but data utilization can be inefficient. Our study introduces a mathematical framework using recursive least-squares and the wrapped phase, allowing efficient updates when new data arrives ...
We introduce the term loss-of-lock to describe a specific form of coherence loss that results in the breakage of a synthetic aperture radar interferometric (InSAR) time series. Loss-of-lock creates a specific pattern in the coherence matrix of a multilooked distributed scatterer ...
InSAR enables the estimation of displacements of (objects on) the earth's surface. To provide reliable estimates, both a stochastic and mathematical model are required. However, the intrinsic problem of InSAR is that both are unknown. Here we derive the Variance-Covariance Matrix ...
The continuous monitoring of ground deformations can be provided by various methods, such as leveling, photogrammetry, laser scanning, satellite navigation systems, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and many others. However, ensuring sufficient spatiotemporal resolution of high-acc ...
The observed phase in time series of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) products is a superposition of various components. Differential topography, line-of-sight displacements, and differential atmospheric delays are the main contributions and need to be disentangle ...
Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are used to predict the weather based on current observations in combination with physical and mathematical models. Yet, they are limited by the spatial density and the accuracy of the available observations. Satellite radar interferometr ...
Landslides are a major geohazard in hilly and mountainous environments. In-situ inspection of downslope motion is costly, sometimes dangerous and, requires prior knowledge of the existence of a landslide. Remote sensing from space is a way to detect and characterize landslides sy ...
We present a novel InSAR processing scheme which combines point scatterer (PS) and distributed scatter (DS) approaches in a hybrid framework along with contextual information about the environment under study. Data such as land parcel divisions, precipitation and temperature are ...
Phase unwrapping, also known as ambiguity resolution, is an underdetermined problem in which assumptions must be made to obtain a result in SAR interferometry (InSAR) time series analysis. This problem is particularly acute for distributed scatterer InSAR, in which noise levels c ...
Peat areas in the Netherlands are expected to exhibit extremely dynamic vertical motion, including both reversible and irreversible components. Yet the exact behaviour as a function of time is unknown, and is spatially very variable. This results in a poorly known estimation of g ...
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) missions with short repeat times enable opportunities for near real-time deformation monitoring. Traditional multitemporal interferometric SAR (MT-InSAR) is able to monitor long-term and periodic deformation with high precision by time-series analys ...
This book provides an introduction, at academic level, into the field of surveying and mapping. The book has been compiled based on hand-outs and readers written for the third-year course Surveying and Mapping, in the bachelor program Civil Engineering at Delft University of Tech ...
Several researchers have shown that the Capon algorithm can be applied to reprocess SAR images, resulting in super-resolution reconstructed scenes with lower sidelobe levels. Thus by employing the Capon-based reprocessed images in Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI), the pe ...
This paper investigates the use of InSAR data during shield tunnel construction when short-term settlements occur within a few days. Additionally, the long-term settlement, which occur over several years, in the vicinity of these tunnels are evaluated with inSAR. The North-South ...
In this work, we investigate if, when, and how satellite InSAR can be used for evaluating surface settlements that occur during shield tunnelling in soft soil areas. We evaluate the applicability of InSAR prior, during, and after tunnel construction. Special emphasis is placed on ...
InSAR and GNSS not only provide an additional source of ground motion measurements with respect to the conventional techniques, with different characteristics, also the data volumes increased significantly. This poses challenges on the integration of the various data sets availab ...