Bi-Directional Tuning of Josephson Junction Resistance

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One of the main components used in superconducting quantum chips is the Josephson junction. Currently when fabricating Josephson junctions, the resistance uniformity at wafer-scale is not optimal. It is also known that an annealing process can alter the junction resistance and with it the qubit frequency. However, laser annealing has only shown to be able to increase the junction resistance. An equally effective and minimally invasive technique to decrease junction resistance is necessary to have full control on frequency
targeting. Thermal annealing in a reducing environment is known to result in a global decrease in junction resistance. To get better control on frequency targeting the techniques could be combined. A die containing not-capped Manhattan type Josephson junctions has been annealed using forming gas at 200°C for 2 minutes, based on a non-linear least squares reciprocal function fit to the data an asymptotic lower bound of 467 μSμm-2 for the change in conductance per unit area has been found. Smaller junctions with an area
of approximately 0.03 μm2 undergo a bigger change in conductance per unit area of around 800 μSμm-2. Annealing at higher temperatures such as 300 and 400°C results in a decrease of the conductance. There is no substantial change in yield of usable SQUIDs when using a rapid thermal annealing process.