Assessing the impact of sustainable fuels for Large Surface Combatants

A comparison between sustainable methanol and diesel for the Future Air Defender of the Royal Netherlands Navy

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Progressing targets on GHG emission reduction urge the the Netherlands Ministry of Defense (NL MoD) to reduce the use of fossil fuels, as they announced to contribute to the Paris agreement by reducing its dependency on fossil fuels by at least 70% by the year 2050. However, without sacrificing striking power, because future naval combatants need to perform their operations on the highest end of the violence spectrum and need to have sufficient autonomy to perform their operations at sea independent of logistic supply lines. The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) is investigating the replacement of the Air Defense and Command Frigate (LCF) between 2030 and 2040 by a Large Surface Combatant. As it will be impossible to achieve substantial reduction of GHG emissions through energy-saving technologies, sustainable fuels need to be implemented in the design. In this thesis, the impact of sustainable fuel choice on the design of Large Surface Combatants with a displacement of around 6000 tonnes is assessed. In particular, the current and future developments of sustainable methanol and diesel have been reviewed from existing literature and are examined on the replacement Large Surface Combatant: specifically their advantages, disadvantages, production routes, future production cost estimates and availability to give an understanding which pathways can help the NL MoD to achieve their stated GHG emissions reduction goals. Furthermore, three different design concepts are presented with respect to fuel composition from which the impact of the established fuels is quantitatively examined. First, sustainable diesel is a drop-in fuel, which makes blending of sustainable diesel with fossil diesel possible in the existing infrastructure allowing a gradual transfer from fossil diesel to sustainable diesel. However, the production is less efficient in a well-to-wake approach and the cost of Bio-diesel and E-diesel is 5% to 30% more expensive with a mean estimated additional cost of 6 €/GJ compared to methanol. Secondly, operating on methanol has a significant impact on the design of a large surface combatant: the specific energy of methanol is more than twice as low as diesel and the ship needs a longer machinery space to allow for a diesel engine propulsion configuration. This results in a increase in displacement of 20%. Finally, navies could consider a two-fuel strategy: sail on methanol during operations with limited autonomy, typically in peace time, and operate on diesel during operations with high autonomy, during war time operations. In this case the design needs to include both diesel and methanol fuel systems and additional space for methanol safety measures. This results in a increase in displacement of 4%. However, the range when operating on methanol is reduced to 2187 nm compared to a 5000 nm baseline range. Assessing the impact of sustainable methanol and diesel for Large Surface Combatants at this level of detail and considering a two-fuel strategy is novel for the field. The results can be used by the Royal Netherlands Navy to compare the different concepts and serve as an indicative substantiation in the acquisition of a new Large Surface Combatant. Moreover, it can help in forming the strategy to migrate future naval combatants from current fossil fuels to future sustainable fuels.