Controlling Spillback Effects In Multimodal Real-time Controlled Traffic Systems

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When traffic demand is high and the intersection lacks throughput, oversaturated traffic phenomena occur, such as the oversaturation of a turning bay or intersection link. When such unsafe situations emerge, control strategies can be applied to handle or avoid these spillback effects. In this paper, a spillback component is designed that detects and controls spillback in a real-time controlled traffic system (RTCS) that optimizes multiple vehicle types in its optimization, with a high vehicle priority for the light-rail vehicle (LRV). A spillback control strategy was developed that assigns additional priority to the congested link when spillback is detected. For assessment, a simulation study is conducted to gain insight into the effects of applying spillback control strategies on the traffic and network performance at an isolated intersection and in a corridor. The results showed that the intersection performance decreased when a spillback control strategy was applied in the optimization, but the network performance increased during the peak period. Furthermore, a spillback penalty factor effectively decreases spillback durations while it works well in combination with higher prioritized public transit. A too-high priority negatively impacts the intersection and network performance. However, in some cases, a (high) spillback priority is necessary to provide enough priority so that a growing unsafe situation is avoided. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the intended use and applicability when providing spillback priority. The spillback priority is one of the few priorities that can be configured in the utilized RTCS; it is recommended to research the impacts when varying priorities are used.