
12 records found

Dedicated Lanes (DLs) have been proposed as a potential scenario for the deployment of Automated and/or Connected Vehicles (C/AVs) on the road network. However, evidence-based knowledge regarding the impacts of different design configurations, utilization policies, and the design ...

Strategy-Based Driving Behaviour on Freeways

Findings of Test-Drive and On-Line Survey Study

Freeways form an important part of the road network. Drivers’ behavior can be split in longitudinal (acceleration and deceleration) and lateral behavior (lane changing). The combination of these two behaviors on freeways play a key role in traffic operations. This paper tries to ...
De verkeersveiligheid in Nederland gaat een ongewenste kant op. Deze verandering was de aanleiding om extra aandacht te besteden aan verkeersveiligheid en alle mogelijke maatregelen om de verkeersveiligheid te verbeteren. Eén van de opties is de inzet van verkeersmanagement. Deze ...

Granular transport policy

Is cooperation better than optimization?

The present situation in transport policy is that many authorities have a responsibility for a part of the transport system and that each authority has its own goals and priorities. Central steering is only on main policy goals. Public transport and municipal, regional, provincia ...
Dynamic traffic management is an important part of the Dutch transport policy. All kinds of measures have been implemented and assessed on the motorway network, such as the motorway traffic management system with speed limits and queue tail warning, ramp metering, variable messag ...
In het programma Beter Benutten (pBB) van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (I&M) werken het rijk, de regio en bedrijfsleven samen aan innovatieve maatregelen om de bereikbaarheid in de drukste regio’s te verbeteren. Een belangrijk deel van deze maatregelen wordt mogeli ...
In het programma Beter Benutten (pBB) van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (I&M) werken het rijk, de regio en bedrijfsleven samen aan innovatieve maatregelen om de bereikbaarheid in de drukste regio’s te verbeteren. Een belangrijk deel van deze maatregelen wordt mogeli ...

Lane Change Behavior on Freeways

An Online Survey Using Video Clips

Freeways forman important part of the road network. Yet, driving behavior on freeways, in particular lane changes and the relation with the choice of speed, is not well understood. To overcome this, an online survey has been carried out. Drivers were shown video clips, and after ...

Impact van C-ITS use cases

Verslag challenge, Den Haag, 11 juni 2019

Coöperatieve intelligente transportsystemen (C-ITS) zijn volop in ontwikkeling. Dit kan een grote impact hebben op het Nederlandse wegennet. Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) werkt binnen het programma C-ITS Next aan opschaling en uitrol van kansrijke C-ITS diensten. Hierbij onderzoekt Rijks ...
Met de opkomst van in-carsystemen kunnen er steeds meer functies van wegkantsystemen in de auto ebracht worden. Tenminste, dat is momenteel de verwachting en ook dat dus in de nabije toekomst eel wegkantsystemen gedeeltelijk of geheel overbodig worden. En dat is begrijpelijk, ook ...

Urban networks with ring roads

Two-level, three-player game

The integrated traffic control and traffic assignment problem is studied for a situation with two road authorities. Road authorities try to optimize their own objectives, and the same is done by road users. The result is a two-level, three-player multistage optimization problem w ...
In een groot aantal programma’s en projecten wordt gewerkt aan de verdere ontwikkeling, het testen, de implementatie en acceptatie van C-ITS. Echter, het lijkt er op dat de gemiddelde wegbeheerder hier nauwelijks op is voorbereid, terwijl het voor hem zeker interessant en noodzak ...


8 records found

Implementing station-based bike-sharing in strategic transport models

Creating an approach to combine tour-based mode-choice and modelling multimodality

This study researches how station-based bike-sharing can be implemented in strategic transport models. Implementing station-based bike-sharing is a challenging topic, as it requires to combine two modelling techniques. The first is modelling transport tours to make sure that a pe ...

The impact of regulations for a centralised route guidance system

A simulation study to the effect of a regulated centralised congestion avoiding route guidance system with different penetration rates of automated vehicles on the Milan ring network

This study aims to quantify the impact on the traffic flow performance of different regulation strategies for a centralised route guidance system where road authorities and service providers work together in a coordinated approach. Previous research concentrates on the effect of ...
Automated vehicles are conventional vehicles equipped with advanced sensors, controller and actuators. They achieve intelligent information exchange with the environment through the onboard sensing and cooperative system. vehicles are possible to have situation awareness and auto ...
Dynamic traffic management (DTM) plays an important role from Dutch policy perspective to prevent road congestion and has been developed from control strategies to services. Five traffic control centers, 22 different DTM systems with 35 functions and over 50,000 DTM components ma ...

Understanding Drivers' Lane Choice Behavior at Pre-Signalized Intersections

Examining Implications for Efficiency and Applicability of Pre-Signal Use for Regular Traffic

In the face of urbanization and limited space, traffic management grapples with challenges, especially heavy left-turn volumes at signalized intersections. The pre-signal strategy, proposed by Li et al. (2014), emerges as a promising solution. It involves an additional traffic li ...

Ramp metering: a microscopic control approach

A case study in the Netherlands

In order to reduce congestion numbers on the highways, ramp metering can be used. The currently existing ramp metering control strategies are of a macroscopic nature. This means that the average occupancy on the main lane or average flow values on the main lane determine the temp ...

Speed limits and their effect on freeway capacity

An investigation of two lane freeway bottlenecks

In this thesis an investigation is performed into the effect of different speed limits on freeway capacity. From literature, much is known about the variety of factors that affect capacity, but the exact effect of the speed limit on capacity is not yet clear. In recent years, sev ...

A performance indicator framework for providing data-driven services to European truckload carriers

From identification of performance indicators to framework development

The past decade has seen a rise in ability to collect, store and manage large amounts of data. With data becoming increasingly available to businesses, organizations are looking to new ways to gain insight into their activities. Acquired information can help transportation compan ...