
P van Koningsbruggen


11 records found

Kunstmatige of artificiële intelligentie, kortweg AI, speelt een steeds grotere rol in ons leven. Ook ons werkterrein verkeersmanagement kan er niet omheen: AI heeft zich al aardig weten binnen te werken in onze data-analyses en verkeerslichten. In deze bijdrage schetsen de auteu ...


2 records found

Vehicle automation has the potential to disrupt the status quo of urban transportation, because it adds a new mode of transportation by taking away the task of the driver. The projections of estimations of the impacts of this new technology are based on many uncertainties and are ...
As the demand for transport of goods and passengers increases, the capacity of railway networks is becoming more and more saturated. Railway infrastructure managers aim to increase the rail network capacity with the minimum possible investments in infrastructure. Next generation ...