Intrinsic approaches to learning and computing on curved surfaces
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This dissertation develops intrinsic approaches to learning and computing on curved surfaces. Specifically, we work on three tasks: analyzing 3D shapes using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), solving linear systems on curved surfaces, and recovering appearance properties from curved surfaces using multi-view capture. We argue that we can find more efficient and better performing algorithms for these tasks by using intrinsic geometry.
Chapter two and three consider CNNs on curved surfaces. We would like to find patterns with meaningful directional information, such as edges or corners.
On images, it is straightforward to define a convolution operator that encodes directional information, as the pixel grid provides a global reference for directions. Such a global coordinate system is not available for curved surfaces. Chapter two presents Harmonic Surface Networks. We apply a 2D kernel to the surface by using local coordinate systems. These local coordinate systems could be rotated in any direction around the normal, which is a problem for consistent pattern recognition. We overcome this ambiguity by computing complex-valued, rotation-equivariant features and transporting these features between coordinate systems with parallel transport along shortest geodesics.
Chapter three presents DeltaConv. DeltaConv is a convolution operator based on geometric operators from vector calculus, such as the Laplacian. A benefit of the Laplacian is that it is invariant to local coordinate systems. This solves the problem of a missing global coordinate system. However, the Laplacian operator is also isotropic. That means it cannot pick up on directional information. DeltaConv constructs anisotropic operators by splitting the Laplacian into gradient and divergence and applying a non-linearity in between. The resulting convolution operators are demonstrated on learning tasks for point clouds and achieve state-of-the-art results with a relatively simple architecture.
Chapter four considers solving linear systems on curved surfaces. This is relevant for many applications in geometry processing: smoothing data, simulating or animating 3D shapes, or machine learning on surfaces. A common way to solve large systems on grid-based data is a multigrid method. Multigrid methods require a hierarchy of grids and the operators that map between the levels in the hierarchy. We show that these components can be defined for curved surfaces with irregularly spaced samples using a hierarchy of graph Voronoi diagrams. The resulting approach, Gravo Multigrid, achieves solving times comparable to the state-of-the-art, while taking an order of magnitude less time for pre-processing: from minutes to seconds for meshes with over a million vertices.
Chapter five demonstrates the use of intrinsic geometry in the setting of appearance modeling, specifically capturing spatially-varying bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (SVBRDF). A low-cost setup to recover SVBRDFs is to capture photographs from multiple viewpoints. A challenge here, is that some reflectance behavior only shows up under certain viewing positions and lighting conditions, which means that we might not be able to tell one material type from another. We frame this as a question of (un)certainty: how certain are we, based on the input data? We build on previous work that shows that the reflection function can be modeled as a convolution of the BRDF with the incoming light. We propose improvements to the convolution model and develop algorithms for uncertainty analysis fully contained in the frequency domain. The result is a fast and uncertainty-aware SVBRDF recovery on curved surfaces.