How to solve spatial problems using linked-data

the case of planning a shopping center in Delft

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The promotion of the data re-usability was the main motivation behind the conception of linked data. Spatial data can also be expressed as linked data. This thesis explores different approaches to utilize spatial data in linked data format, in order to determine if the technologies have matured enough to assist solving spatial problems. More precisely, it attempts to select a position to build a new shopping center in Delft, Netherlands by using relational data and linked data. Five different Linked-data implementations are identified and examined; two of them, a Geographic SPARQL Protocol and Resource Description Framework (RDF) Query Language (a recursive acronym for GeoSPARQL) (GeoSPARQL) endpoint and an API, are offered from Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart (PDOK). The other three approaches are designed using Oracle Spatial and Graph. From the latter three, one approach utilizes linked data stored in a local database while the rest utilize relational data mapped into linked-data. All five approaches are assessed for GeoSPARQL compliance and are compared to a QGIS solution. From the aforementioned approaches, only the two mapping ones have achieved the desired solution. However, none of them fully complies with GeoSPARQL specification hence, further research is necessary.