A window to the world
Using film to better understand architecture
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The premise from the book:
"As said before this project is not a typical research. Although many sources are used, no data is collected and no hypotheses are proven. It is an active research, an artistic research one
might say, which is ongoing and really never finished.
Instead of proving arguments it is more about the practice of doing. While it starts out more analytical, which can be seen in the following pages. At a certain point the project turned more intuitive. There was a realisation that this approach would gain me more, just as the potential reader.
That is why the project is structured around three made films. All three completely different in subject, media and technology. But together in the end they might complement eachother
and reveal a greater value.
The order is one: “Terrain vague”, the film for P1, almost like a stop-motion. This mainly focuses on the Friche, and is a kind of site analysis. Two, :”Walk like me”. A camera verité style street documentary. With a combination of fiction and reality giving a glimpse of (Brussels) urban life. And lastly a film where all media are techniques are blend, and hopefully, everything from the year comes together, in one final film presenting the design of the storyhouse “A window to the world.”