Design of a blockchain-based platform to support the availability of Entry Summary Declarations to European Customs

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To ensure safety and security of imported goods, customs authorities perform risk assessment on incoming goods. European customs use declaration data provided by traders to execute risk analysis. Lacking availability of this data to customs authorities currently hinders proper risk management and poses threats for the European socio-economy. To solve this issue, this research analysed how Blockchain, an emerging and promising technology, could solve the issue at hand. Using a design-oriented approach, the process to be supported was analysed, the requirements were elicited, and the core blockchain components were identified. This was instrumental to develop a blockchain-based platform to support the availability of declarations data to customs authorities. The feasibility of the designed platform was evaluated through a comparison with TradeLens, an existing supply chain platform underpinned by blockchain technology, and possible implementation issues were identified by using a blockchain governance framework. The platform design contributes to the import control system implementation and research on blockchain technology. The next step is the development of a Proof-of-concept to analyse whether the designed platform supports the process at stake.