Wout Hofman


13 records found

Ontology matching evaluation

A statistical perspective

This paper proposes statistical approaches to test if the difference between two ontology matchers is real. Specifically, the performances of the matchers over multiple data sets are obtained and based on their performances, the conclusion can be drawn whether one method is bette ...

Using Business Data in Customs Risk Management

Data Quality and Data Value Perspective

With the rise of data analytics use in government, government organizations are starting to explore the possibilities of using business data to create further public value. This process, however, is far from straightforward: key questions that governments need to address relate t ...
The transition towards a circular economy (CE) will require data sharing across different platforms and data spaces of parties operating in a variety of supply chains. From a circular economy compliance monitoring perspective, beyond the access to mandatory data that governments ...
The transition towards a circular economy (CE) will require data sharing across different platforms and data spaces of parties operating in a variety of supply chains. From a circular economy compliance monitoring perspective, beyond the access to mandatory data that governments ...
https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/786748/results https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/documents/downloadPublic?documentIds=080166e5f1716216&appId=PPGMS @en
Simulated annealing-based ontology matching (SANOM) participates for the second time at the ontology alignment evaluation initiative (OAEI) 2019. This paper contains the configuration of SANOM and its results on the anatomy and conference tracks. In comparison to the OAEI 2017, S ...
Ontology alignment is a fundamental task to reconcile the heterogeneity among various information systems using distinct information sources. The evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been already considered as the primary strategy to develop an ontology alignment system. However, s ...
Governance requirements for systems supporting information sharing be-tween businesses and government organisations (B&G) are determined by a high variety of stakeholders with often conflicting interests. These conflict-ing interests can hamper the introduction and scaling-up of ...
Comparing ontology matching systems are typically performed by comparing their average performances over multiple datasets. However, this paper examines the alignment systems using statistical inference since averaging is statistically unsafe and inappropriate. The statistical te ...
The l1-regularized least square problem has been considered in diverse fields. However, finding its solution is exacting as its objective function is not differentiable. In this paper, we propose a new one-layer neural network to find the optimal solution of the l1-regularized le ...
Ontology alignment is widely used to find the correspondences between different ontologies in diverse fields. After discovering the alignments, several performance scores are available to evaluate them. The scores typically require the identified alignment and a reference contain ...
Simulated annealing-based ontology matching [1], or SANOM, is an ontology alignment system which ex-ploits the well-known simulated annealing to find the correspondences. The system considers three differ-ent similarity measures, namely string-based, linguistic-based and structur ...
In the Social Web, a large number of individuals stores and shares private data in social networks like Facebook and Twitter. By agreeing with their license agreements that support a revenue model, which is mostly advertising, occasionally combined with (premium) subscription and ...


3 records found

Ontology alignment

Simulated annealing-based system, statistical evaluation, and application to logistics interoperability

The primary motivation of this dissertation is to investigate how to enable interoperability in the logistics domain by the aid of ontology alignment. More in detail, the primary research objective of this dissertation is To address interoperability between heterogeneous IT syste ...
To ensure safety and security of imported goods, customs authorities perform risk assessment on incoming goods. European customs use declaration data provided by traders to execute risk analysis. Lacking availability of this data to customs authorities currently hinders proper ri ...
Increasingly specialised logistic services are triggering the disaggregation of supply chain functions and fostering the generation of information silos. This is perceived by European customs as a threat, since it affects the reliability of the import risk assessments and cargo i ...