Accelerating the transition towards circular economy within the built environment

Utilizing blockchain technology and designing a circular, modular, temporary start-up incubator on the Marineterrein in Amsterdam

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The master graduation project focusses on accelerating the transition towards the circular economy. Specifically it is a design for an intervention on an existing building on the Marineterrein making it into start-up incubator in a way consistent with the thought frame of the Circular economy. The project is a exploration of the role of the architect within the proposed circular economy. In depth research is conducted into blockchain technology by a startup Circularise to explore how this technology could stimulate the transition towards a circular economy within the Built Environment industry. The design is intended to combine the whole Marineterrein into a transition campus by fulfilling the necessary program and urban function needed. The design is built up by a set of modules that is made out of elements that are all leased by a number of manufacturers. Main conclusions can be found within the emphasis on the standardized sizes and easy connections of these elements and the effect that these decisions have on the design. Other conclusions include 1) the need of the continues involvement of the architect within the project by creating policies for the use of the building by the start-ups and pro-actively stimulate the living lab function of the building and 2) the need for a ‘creative’ architect to combine the different element into ‘good’ architecture instead of just a combination of different element. The latter conclusion is incorporated in this design by finding a set of design principles to guide the design found in the history and context of the Marineterrein and the concept of the circular start-up incubator.