The Influence of Polycentric Governance on Co-Creation in the Heating Transition

An Explorative Case Study of Middelburg

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According to the Dutch Climate Agreement, each municipality has to formulate its heating transition vision strategy by the end of 2021. In the strategy, each municipality has to show how it will make its municipality natural gas-free, specifies the technology that will be implemented and describes the timeline for each of its neighborhoods. This will be a major challenge for municipalities , which will need public support to accomplish this. The role of citizens is considered essential for the heating transition. Co-creation provides an opportunity for this problem, in which citizens are not only participating in the process, but have also become the initiator and designer of the process. The heating transition is a complex process, which stretches beyond the local level at multiple governance levels. The heating transition setting is very complex and polycentric, where multiple actors and different governments at multiple levels are involved. The polycentric governance perspective will be proposed for this study. Polycentric governance is a system, in which multiple public and private parties interact with each other to decide on a specific geographical location through a system of negotiated rules and norms to solve a problem efficiently with multiple semi-autonomous centers of decision making.