
Raising food awareness in the future city

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The studio that I chose to participate was ‘Dutch Housing: Stronghold Amsterdam’. The topic of this studio as mentioned in its studio manual concerns problems with ecology, climate, overpopulation, mass-migration, a shifting global power balance, changing demographics, etc., cities like Amsterdam will face in the future. But the question is: how do we want to live and what kind of buildings do we need to make that possible? Stated tin the studio’s manual ‘In the Dutch Housing Graduation Studio you will formulate a vision on the future of the city of Amsterdam and design a housing project that exemplifies this vision.’ First of all, my graduation project theme deals with the problem of the lost connection between people and their food and their lack of awareness about how food can shape the urban fabric and people’s lives nowadays. Therefore my projects research question was: How the architecture of a housing complex can contribute to raising of people’s food awareness inside the urban fabric?
Furthermore, by researching different case studies of urban agriculture I came to the conclusion that food production in urban environments is a subject that is closely connected with both social and technical issues. From the research I realized that if future cities need to reach to a level that they are self-sufficient and self-sustained in the case of food supply, people need first to be more conscious about it. That meant for me that people had first to start being more aware about the problem of their lost connection with their food, and when they succeed to be aware about it, then they can move forward to the next step, which is to start creating self-sufficient neighborhoods and dealing with more technical issues. Therefore the most important factor for my design was that of educating people about the food supply problem and urban food production in general. And that could be achieved by having some food-based activities situated in the premises of the building and which have an educational character.