T.W. Kupers
96 records found
Healthy Ageing
Design as a tool supporting prevention of modern diseases among middle-aged people
Ageing of the population is one of the most significant changes taking place in the population of the Netherlands, that will affect the dwelling design in the coming decades. This is also reflected by other phenomenon: together with the higher life expectancy, the quality of the
The Nature Inclusive City
A sustainable human-nature relationship through architecture
An investigation into the disconnection between humans and nature. And a search for meaningfull architectural interventions to improve the human nature relationship.
Feeling at home
Find the similarities, cherish the differences
A graduation research into the topic feeling at home for the heterogeneous modern household group single-person households. This research forms the basis of a design project for Merwe-Vierhaven in Rotterdam, where the concepts of comfort, social interaction, feeling of safety and
Together alone
The relation between the needs of the solo-dweller and the design strategy of co-living
The number of solo-dwellers is a rising trend in the Netherlands. While living alone is not a new phenomenon, the proportions of solo-dwellers have made this a significant demographic group. According to ABF Research, the total number of households in the Netherlands in 2020 is 8
Growing Up & Growing Old in the City
Intergenerational living in a residential urban complex
The Netherlands is currently facing an overloaded housing market. This has the consequence that many people cannot find a suitable dwelling. To solve this issue the government made the plan to build one million houses between 2020 and 2030. Apart from the quantitative problem of
The Old Harbour
The Next Step in the Housing Career of Modern Elderly
The number of elderly citizens in the Netherlands is growing, but there is a lack of suitable housing for this population group. Because of this, they occupy larger homes that are more suitable for families with children. Since the average age of no longer having children at home
Homes that Work
The Architecture for home working parents and childeren in dense cities
The research looks into the historical development of the old building type that combines live and work; what Frances Holliss (2015) states to be a ‘workhome’. The relevance and resurgence of this typology in the context of a globalized economy and informational era, causes the h
A Recipe for Sustainable Living
An Architectural Recipe for Nudging Towards Pro-Environmental Behavior in Housing
The rapid change in climate change and negative impact on the natural environment is attributable to human behavior. The current demands on nature are compromising the well-being of humanity’s future and putting the existence of mankind at risk. The current unsustainable way of l
Small living, big cohesion
Stacked compact units for single-person households
This paper is part of a master’s degree in Architecture at Delft University of Technology. It is addressing single-person households as they are found to be the most affected group from the current state of the Dutch housing market. This forms the relevance of this study and form
Creating a city for a new generation of integration
In which young people with migration background have a sense of belonging
The Netherlands experienced a large influx of refugees over the past years, which peaked in 2015. Many of these refugees have recently had their temporary residency extended into a permanent residency. In spite of this, there is a disproportionately high percentage of unemploymen
Life in New Media
New Media has brought about a change in our lifestyles, a change in how we do our work, the possibility of working more flexibly, but also the creation of new jobs. Nowadays New Media can’t be separated anymore from the way that we do our work. New Media workers specifically are
Urban woods
Open neighborhood in Rotterdam
“Urban woods” is a project that investigates the problems of the segregation and social exclusion in the cities today. Urban environments become more and more diverse, which often leads to lack of social cohesion on the neighborhood scale. This master thesis focuses on the target
Social Synergyst
The city - Place for all; Exploring the possibilities to attract families back in the city through the case of the Expat families
In the recent decades the economies became more dependent on knowledge - based activities - scientific research, technology, trade, finance. Therefore, the industries strive to be competitive in these categories on global level. In order to achieve that, they need an internationa
Dwelling design for solo living
Combating loneliness in modern single-person households using concepts of cohousing and coliving
The project is focused on combating loneliness in single-person households. Concepts of cohousing and coliving are chosen to research the topic to meet the requirements of modern solo dwellers.
Creative Synergy
Towards a synergy fostering environment for creatives in Rotterdam
The presence of creatives or the ‘creative class’ is observed to act as a stimulant for regional and local urban transformation and gentrification. Global statistics state that the creative industry serves as a major economic driving force of the twenty- first century. For Rotter
Makers Mix Workhome
A return of dwelling and fabrication within the city
Over the previous two decades people all over the world have been increasingly working from home or living at their workplace with the global North especially seeing a resurgence in this form of living. With the restrictions imposed on travel and social distancing at work brought
Flexible housing is offered as a way to extend the lifespan of architecture. This research paper explores the different ways to design flexible housing through the publications of Habraken, Brand, and Leupens as well as the findings by organizations like OBOM and Openbuilding.co
Designing the explorative living environment for fledglings
An architectural solution for starters on the housing market seeking to maintain their explorative lifestyle
This graduation project will focus on the dwelling design of the so-called ‘fledglings’: a specific type of starters on the housing market seeking to achieve an explorative lifestyle in their daily life. The current generation of starters in Rotterdam experiences several issues i
Initiating a Flourishing City
Creating a safe environment for young urban families in M4H, Rotterdam
According to Dutch Deputy Prime Minister, Kajsa Ollongren, the Netherlands is faced with a massive task of creating one million homes before 2030. Big cities are characterized by the steady sub-urbanization of young middle-class families. Households often leave the city as soon a
It’s never too late for a new beginning
A living environment for the Young-Old
The Netherlands is facing a problem with their current housing stock. Predictions warn about the need for approximately one million houses for 2035. Alongside the shortage a lot of the people do not live in a dwelling which is their preference. A design for a housing complex for