Latent classes of daily mobility patterns

The relationship with attitudes towards modes

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Active modes (i.e. walking and cycling) have received significant attention by governments worldwide, due to the benefits related to the use of these modes. Consequently, governments are aiming for a modal shift from motorised to active modes. Attitudes are generally considered to play an important role in determining mode choice and travel behaviour. Therefore, many studies have investigated the relationship between attitudes and behaviour. Understanding the relationship between the attitude towards modes and the daily mobility pattern, can help in providing input for efficient and effective policies that aim at increasing the active mode share. This research investigates patterns in the daily mobility patterns of individuals in the Netherlands and tests the relationship between these patterns and attitudes towards modes. This study identifies five classes of mobility patterns: 1) car and bicycle users, 2) exclusive car users, 3) car, walk, and bicycle users, 4) public transport users, and 5) exclusive bicycle users. Regarding attitudes towards modes, eight factors are identified: five mode related attitudes, two public transport related attitudes, and one related to the prestige of using modes. The results show that the majority of the users is multimodal in their daily mobility pattern. Furthermore, individuals are more positive towards modes that are used in the daily mobility pattern, compared to unused modes. The exclusive car users are most negative to the unused modes. Consequently, when the goal is achieving a higher active mode share, it might be more fruitful to target the multimodal classes and/or classes that contain active mode use, compared to the habitual car users.