Increasing the Share of Wind Power by Sensitivity Analysis based Transient Stability Assessment
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The massive integration of wind power plants into the transmission system calls for a careful scrutinization of their dynamic behaviour and the interactions with the power system in the transient stability time-frame of interest. This paper presents a sensitivity analysis based approach to investigate the impact of full converter wind turbine generators on the transient stability of the interconnected power system. A combination of different fault ride through and voltage support mechanisms such as 1) low voltage ride through, 2) voltage-dependent reactive power injection, 3) current limitation strategy during grid faults, and 4) the application of inertia emulation capability are considered for the sensitivity analysis. Critical clearing times are used as the transient stability indicator. The implementation of the wind turbine models are according to IEC 61400-27-1 and the assessment is done through time domain simulations using DIgSILENT PowerFactory. The results on a modified version of the IEEE 9-bus system show that by more effective use of the existing controllers of wind turbines, the share of wind power plants can be increased substantially.
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