Overcoming barriers when implementing a Product-as-a-Service business model

Overcoming barriers within the transition towards a circular economy by looking at theory and practice

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The transition towards a circular economy has many barriers. Scholars have researched these barriers in the last few years, though due to lack of implemented cases, practical insights are missing. With a holistic overview, this research connects the theoretical knowledge with insights gained from practice. New insights can be found by looking at the barriers and enablers identified when implementing a product-as-a-service within the Dutch built environment. With the research question “How to overcome the barriers with respect to financial, legal and organisational aspects of implementing a product-as-a-service business model within the Dutch built environment”, this research will provide essential insights for a more successful and accurate implementation of product-as-a-service in the future. With the use of multiple cases, the barriers and enablers identified in practice are studied. By combining the barriers and enablers of both perspectives into one list, an overview is created. The gathered findings are analysed according to; the times mentioned, relations between barriers and enablers and the relation between theory and practice. Through a compressed overview, of the most common barriers and the most effective enablers, a ranking is given by experts based on their importance. Based on this research, two ways support the primary research aim. First, the identification of barriers, and secondly, the correct enabler should be chosen to overcome the barrier, through the various overviews provided in the research. To be mentioned is the input given; which is to be used as an indication and helps to overcome the barriers, rather than completely solving the barrier.