Classical Capacities of Classical and Quantum Channels

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This thesis investigates two types of classical capacities of both classical and quantum channels, giving rise to four different settings. The first type of classical capacity investigated is the ordinary capacity of a channel to transmit classical information with a probability of error which becomes arbitrarily small as the channel is used arbitrarily many times. The second type of classical capacity investigated is the capacity of a channel to transmit information with zero probability of error, called the zero-error classical capacity. The first setting which is studied is the ordinary capacity of a classical channel. The noisy channel coding theorem is proven in two different ways: one using the Markov inequality and the Law of Large Numbers and one using typical sets. The additivity of this capacity is also discussed. The second setting is the zero-error capacity of classical channel. Lower and upper bounds on this capacity are proven, and its superadditivity is discussed. The third setting is the ordinary classical capacity of a quantum channel. The Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland theorem is proven using typical subspaces and the packing lemma, and the superadditivity of the Holevo information is discussed in terms of entanglement at the encoder. The fourth and last setting investigated is that of the zero-error classical capacity of a quantum channel. It is shown that this capacity can be achieved using only pure input states and that this capacity never exceeds the ordinary classical capacity. Moreover, a detailed investigation of superactivation of the zero-error classical capacity is presented. A topic for further research would be an exposition of the analogous concepts in the case of the quantum capacity of quantum channels. Another topic for further research would be an explicit construction of two quantum channels whose zero-error classical capacity is superactivated.