De Woon-maker

A building for makers: Workshop and Residence

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The problem consists of several main statements. First, Amsterdam brands itself as a creative city. It is true that Amsterdam has one of the biggest creative industries in Europe. Yet, makers are only a marginal group of them and economically disadvantaged although their mentality fits the image that the city wants to create. Also, since the industrial revolution, working and living has been separated and especially making was pushed out of the city centre. The structure of the city of today still uses the zoning system and making remains out of sight. In craftsmanship this is crucial because the process of making is an important factor for selling the products. This is one of the reasons why craftsmanship is not valued anymore and products are bought much cheaper from mass production outside of the country. As a consequence, starting a making business is economically difficult. With the high prices of housing in cities like Amsterdam it is impossible for a single craftsman to open a business close to the city centre without any support. Another aspect is the mentality of the younger generation that is changing towards a more flexible lifestyle where work and private life are more intertwined. The zoning concept of the city today is not adapted to the needs of the craft field, with their more complex work spaces.