
Experiencing circular architecture in a community lab

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As material stocks are depleting and the building sector plays a big role in using these materials a circular economy can bring a solution to this depleting problem. Within the thoughts of applying the circular economy to the built environment, upscaling would not be possible without the community to engage to the topic. This project of a circular community lab lets people experience the reused materials of the area of Amstel III in a way they can learn from it about circular usage of materials and be inspired by it. The project seeks to explore the different experiences of reused materials into a new architectural language. Where the applied reused materials are coming from the area itself, from the buildings which will in the nearby future be demolished to provide space for a more densified city district and new inhabitants. This project of the circular community lab will therefore also provide a space for the neighbours to go to, create their own identity and express their hobbies or connect with each other with circular initiatives.