J.M. Dos Santos Gonçalves

15 records found


This paper explores the opportunities for locals’ participation as a tool for the sustainable redevelopment of vacant heritage. It focuses on the Politiebureau Groningen Centrum (The Netherlands) as a case study to apply a novel approach to engage community participation in archi ...
The role of heritage buildings in pursuing a more sustainable built environment has been widely discussed in the last decades, from their importance to cohesive and inclusive communities to their contribution to resources conservation and therefore to reducing materials-related c ...

Purpose: This research presents the development of a Building Passport for Sustainable Conservation (BPSC) as a questionnaire with a set of 23 core indicators, for a baseline assessment of heritage buildings. The aim of this tool is to identify priorities for future interventi ...

Beyond Good Intentions

The Role of the Building Passport for the Sustainable Conservation of Built Heritage to Behavioural Change

Despite the recognised importance of built heritage for sustainable development, and the multiple tools, recommendations, guidelines, and policies developed in recent years to support decision-making, good sustainable conservation practices often fail to be implemented. Challenge ...
The inclusion of Heritage in the global agenda for sustainable development has contributed to a broader discussion around the interconnection between heritage and sustainability. However, the definitions of both concepts lack consensus. In the last decade, hundreds of definitions ...

This research addresses the performance gap between intentions towards a sustainable conservation of built heritage and its actual implementation. Socio-psychological models of human behaviour, such as the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), have been studying this dissonance b ...


Urban public spaces are one of the priorities on Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations (2015), in the target 11.7, on universal access to safe, inclusive, and accessible green and public spaces. Urban public spaces provide opportunities for people to mee ...
Spatial planning and façade design in relation to public or private functions are factors that are considered within every design project. While this applies for newly constructed building projects, it can pose a significant challenge in redesign projects, especially when heritag ...
The past year I have delved into field of built heritage in the context of my graduation project which consist of a redesign of a vacant police station and a related research. The redesign of the police station is part of a larger reorganization within the police. In 2013 the pol ...
Our knowledge of precast concrete facades is becoming more relevant each day.
Buildings with precast concrete façades are relatively new in relation to monument listing, due to architectural and constructive innovations being related to these façades. However, these buildings ...
Window openings allow communication between the interior and the exterior, but they are also elements that allow the user to control several aspects such as the light, sound, air, and privacy. Although people spend a great time inside, windows do have a strong relationship with t ...

Revitalising the public plinth

A transformation of the Rotterdam Harbour Police Station

Concerning the built environment, some spaces in and around buildings symbolise the edge and intercommunication between two opposites and are therefore difficult to define. These so-called in-between spaces represent a threshold between polarities, such as inside and outside or p ...

Connect the Community Again

Participation as a tool for the redesign of vacant heritage. The case of Politiebureau Groningen Centrum

This project explores sustainable redevelopment strategies for vacant heritage. It explores the opportunities for stakeholder participation in heritage activities, the importance of which is stressed by, i.e., UNESCO, the Faro Convention, and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the N ...
A more inclusive perspective on heritage management regarding sustainable development becomes an important aspect in understanding and reflecting on heritage buildings or sites. The cultural significance they convey, such as attributes and values attached to them, are not only re ...