
10 records found

The Metis research project aims at supporting maritime safety and security by facilitating continuous monitoring of vessels in national coastal waters and prevention of phenomena, such as vessel collisions, environmental hazard, or detection of malicious intents, such as smugglin ...
The Metis research project aims at supporting maritime safety and security by facilitating continuous monitoring of vessels in national coastal waters and prevention of phenomena, such as vessel collisions, environmental hazard, or detection of malicious intents, such as smugglin ...
Two mismatch functions (power or current) and three coordinates (polar, Cartesian andcomplex form) result in six versions of the Newton–Raphson method for the solution of powerflow problems. In this paper, five new versions of the Newton power flow method developed forsingle-phas ...
The recently introduced Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm for Genetic Programming (GP-GOMEA) has been shown to find much smaller solutions of equally high quality compared to other state-of-the-art GP approaches. This is an interesting aspect as small solutions bett ...
A general framework is given for applying the Newton–Raphson method to solve power flow problems, using power and current-mismatch functions in polar, Cartesian coordinates and complex form. These two mismatch functions and three coordinates, result in six possible ways to apply ...
In this paper, we propose a fast linear power flow method using a constant impedance load model to simulate both the entire Low Voltage (LV) and Medium Voltage (MV) networks in a single simulation. Accuracy and efficiency of this linear approach are validated by comparing it with ...
The Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm (GOMEA) is a model-based EA framework that has been shown to perform well in several domains, including Genetic Programming (GP). Differently from traditional EAs where variation acts blindly, GOMEA learns a model of interdepend ...
We address the problemof high-dose-rate brachytherapy treatment planning for prostate cancer. The problem involves determining a treatment plan consisting of the so-called dwell times that a radiation source resides at different positions inside the patient such that the prostate ...


10 records found

Scheduling under uncertainty

Attaining flexibility, robustness and stability

The research presented in this thesis is part of the Rolling Stock Life Cycle Logistics applied research and development program, conducted by NedTrain. As a company, NedTrain belongs to Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS; the principal railway company in the Netherlands) and provides ma ...
Much of what agents (people, robots, etc.) do is dividing effort between several activities. In order to facilitate efficient divisions, we study contributions to such activities and advise on stable divisions that result in high social welfare. To this end, for each model (game) ...
The current architecture of the power grid is outdated and will not provide the means to deal with the decentralization of energy sources. The smart grid is a newly envisioned architecture for the power grid that should solve the weaknesses in the current grid. One application th ...
We investigate the use of relaxed decision diagrams for obtaining lower bounds on multi-machine scheduling problems. The type of scheduling problem we consider models a railway service site where maintenance jobs are performed, but is sufficiently general to potentially have wide ...
Software testing has been around for decades and many tools exist to aid developers in their testing process. However, little is known about the rate at which developers test their projects, the tools they use for these purposes and the impact of type systems on testing practices ...
The quality of test suites is commonly measured using adequacy metrics that focus on error detection, like test coverage. However, the diagnostic performance of spectrum-based fault localization techniques, that can potentially reduce the time spent on debugging, rely on diagnosa ...
In a busy railway network such as the Netherlands, more and more maintenance activities are needed to be performed. These planned activities often lead to an infeasible timetable since infrastructure is temporary unavailable for operations. A macroscopic network model can roughly ...
Developing intelligent decision making systems in the real world requires planning algorithms which are able to deal with sources of uncertainty and constraints. An example can be found in smart distribution grids, in which planning can be used to decide when electric vehicles ch ...
During the normal operation, control and planning of the power system, grid operators employ numerous tools including the Power Flow (PF) and the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) computations to keep the balance in the power system. The solution of the PF computation is used to assess wh ...
Machine learning is impacting modern society at large, thanks to its increasing potential to effciently and effectively model complex and heterogeneous phenomena. While machine learning models can achieve very accurate predictions in many applications, they are not infallible. In ...