Arjan Bel

11 records found

Performing large-scale three-dimensional radiation dose reconstruction for patients requires a large amount of manual work. We present an image processing-based pipeline to automatically reconstruct radiation dose. The pipeline was designed for childhood cancer survivors that rec ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to improve upon a recently introduced bi-objective treatment planning method for prostate high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy (BT), both in terms of resulting plan quality and runtime requirements, to the extent that its execution time is clin ...
In retrospective radiation treatment (RT) dosimetry, a surrogate anatomy is often used for patients without 3D CT. To gain insight in what the crucial aspects in a surrogate anatomy are to enable accurate dose reconstructi ...
Purpose: Bi-objective treatment planning for high-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy is a novel treatment planning method with two separate objectives that represent target coverage and organ-at-risk sparing. In this study, we investigated the feasibility and plan quality of this m ...
3D dose reconstruction for radiotherapy (RT) is the estimation of the 3D radiation dose distribution patients received during RT. Big dose reconstruction data is needed to accurately model the relationship between the dose and onset of adverse effects, to ultimately gain insights ...
Purpose: To investigate the variation in computed dose-volume (DV) indices for high-dose-rate (HDR) prostate brachytherapy that can result from typical differences in computation settings in treatment planning systems (TPSs). Methods: Five factors were taken into account: number ...
The importance and potential of Gray-Box Optimization (GBO) with evolutionary algorithms is becoming increasingly clear lately both for benchmark and real-world problems. We consider the GBO setting where partial evaluations are possible, meaning that sub-functions of the evaluat ...
The recently introduced Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm for Genetic Programming (GP-GOMEA) has been shown to find much smaller solutions of equally high quality compared to other state-of-the-art GP approaches. This is an interesting aspect as small solutions bett ...
Purpose: The aim of this study is to establish the first step toward a novel and highly individualized three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution reconstruction method, based on CT scans and organ delineations of recently treated patients. Specifically, the feasibility of automatic ...
We address the problemof high-dose-rate brachytherapy treatment planning for prostate cancer. The problem involves determining a treatment plan consisting of the so-called dwell times that a radiation source resides at different positions inside the patient such that the prostate ...