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RJ Nicholls
Academic Work (13)
Book chapter (4)
Conference paper (3)
Journal article (6)
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13 records found
Coping with coastal change
Book chapter (2014) -
RJ Nicholls (author)
M.J.F. Stive (author)
RSJ Tol (author)
Costs of adapting coastal defences to sea-level rise new estimates and their implications
Journal article (2013) -
Sebastiaan N. Jonkman (author)
MM Hillen (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
W. Kanning (author)
M (extern) van Ledden (author)
A global analysis of erosion of sandy beaches and sea-level rise: An application of diva
Journal article (2013) -
J Hinkel (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
RSJ Tol (author)
Zhengbing Wang (author)
JM Hamilton (author)
G Boot (author)
AT Vafeidis (author)
L McFadden (author)
A Ganopolski (author)
RJT Klein (author)
Presence of connecting channels in the Western Scheldt Estuary
Journal article (2009) -
CM Swinkels (author)
CMCJL Jeuken (author)
Zhengbing Wang (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
Beaches, cliffs and deltas
Book chapter (2009) -
M.J.F. Stive (author)
PJ Cowell (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
Vulnerability of Indonesian coastal zones to climate change and sea level rise
Conference paper (2009) -
PS Grashoff (author)
RJ Verhaeghe (author)
J Hinkel (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
Morphological behaviour of UK estuaries under conditions of accelerating sealevel rise
Conference paper (2007) -
SK Rossington (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
MAF Knaapen (author)
Zhengbing Wang (author)
Group report: Global change and the European coast - climate change and economic development
Book chapter (2005) -
E. Rochelle-Newall (author)
RJT Klein (author)
RPWM Laane (author)
L Ledoux (author)
H Lindeboom (author)
W Lise (author)
S Moncheva (author)
PS Moschella (author)
M.J.F. Stive (author)
JE Vermaat (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
K Barrett (author)
H Behrendt (author)
THM Bresser (author)
A Cieslak (author)
EFLM de Bruin (author)
T Edwards (author)
PMJ Herman (author)
Group report: Integrated assessment and future scenarios for the coast
Book chapter (2005) -
C Nunneri (author)
R Kerry Turner (author)
W Salomons (author)
R Sardá (author)
M.J.F. Stive (author)
T. Vellinga (author)
A Cieslak (author)
A Kannen (author)
RJT Klein (author)
L Ledoux (author)
JM Marquenie (author)
LD Mee (author)
S Moncheva (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
Electron energy loss spectra of C-60 and C-70 fullerenes
Journal article (2005) -
SM Lee (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
D Nguyen-Manh (author)
DG Pettifor (author)
GAD Briggs (author)
S Lazar (author)
DA Pankhurst (author)
DJH Cockayne (author)
Energy loss near edge structure study of fullerenes
Conference paper (2004) -
RJ Nicholls (author)
DA Pankhurst (author)
GA Botton (author)
S Lazar (author)
DJH Cockayne (author)
The coastal-tract (part 2): applications of aggregated modeling of lower-order coastal change
Journal article (2003) -
PJ Cowell (author)
M.J.F. Stive (author)
CW Reed (author)
PL de Boer (author)
AW Niedoroda (author)
DJP Swift (author)
H.J. de Vriend (author)
MC Buijsman (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
PS Roy (author)
GM Kaminsky (author)
J. Cleveringa (author)
Modelling of coastal evolution on yearly to decadal time scales
Journal article (2003) -
H. Hanson (author)
S.G.J. Aarninkhof (author)
H.J. de Vriend (author)
M. Capobianco (author)
J Jimenez (author)
M. Larson (author)
RJ Nicholls (author)
NG Plant (author)
HN Southgate (author)
HJ Steetzel (author)
M.J.F. Stive (author)