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M Slijper
Academic Work (10)
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Journal article (8)
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10 records found
Proteome adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to severe calorie restriction in retentostat cultures
Journal article (2014) -
N.A. Binai (author)
M.M.M. Bisschops (author)
B van Breukelen (author)
S Mohammed (author)
Luuk Loeff (author)
L. Loeff (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
M Slijper (author)
The diversity of protein turnover and abundance under nitrogen-limited steady-state conditions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Journal article (2011) -
AO Helbig (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
Ton van Maris (author)
A.J.A van Maris (author)
A.J.A. van Maris (author)
Antonius J.A. van Maris (author)
A.F. de Hulster (author)
Erik de de Hulster (author)
A.F. Hulster (author)
Erik de Hulster (author)
D. de Ridder (author)
Dick de Ridder (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)
A three-way proteomics strategy allows differential analysis of yeast mitochondrial membrane protein complexes under anaerobic and aerobic conditions
Journal article (2009) -
AO Helbig (author)
MJ de Groot (author)
RA van Gestel (author)
S Mohammed (author)
A.F. de Hulster (author)
Erik de de Hulster (author)
Erik de Hulster (author)
A.F. Hulster (author)
M.A.H. Luttik (author)
Marijke Luttik (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
AJ Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)
Online automated in vivo zebrafish phosphoproteomics: From large-scale analysis down to a single embryo
Journal article (2008) -
S Lemeer (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
S Mohammed (author)
B van Breukelen (author)
J den Hartog (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics of anaerobic and aerobic yeast cultures: evidence of post-transcriptional regulation of key cellular processes
Poster (2007) -
MJL de Groot (author)
PDB van Breukelen (author)
TKE de Hulster (author)
Marcel Reinders (author)
M.J.T. Reinders (author)
Marcel JT Reinders (author)
Marcel J.T. Reinders (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
M Slijper (author)
A Heck (author)
Quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics of anaerobic and aerobic yeast cultures reveals post-transcriptional regulation of key cellular processes
Journal article (2007) -
MJL de Groot (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
B Breukelen (author)
TA Knijnenburg (author)
A.F. de Hulster (author)
A.F. Hulster (author)
Erik de de Hulster (author)
Erik de Hulster (author)
Marcel JT Reinders (author)
M.J.T. Reinders (author)
Marcel Reinders (author)
Marcel J.T. Reinders (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)
The fluxes through glycolytic enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are predominantly regulated at posttranscriptional levels
Journal article (2007) -
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
SL Rossell Aragort (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
BM Bakker (author)
Walter M. van Gulik (author)
W.M. van Gulik (author)
M.A.H. Luttik (author)
Marijke Luttik (author)
MJL de Groot (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
J.G. Daran (author)
Jean Marc Daran (author)
J-M. Daran (author)
Jean-Marc Daran (author)
J.H. de Winde (author)
HV Westerhoff (author)
Proteome analysis of yeast response to various nutrient limitations
Journal article (2006) -
A Kolkman (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
A Fullaondo (author)
MM Olsthoorn (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Investigating the dynamic nature of the interactions between nuclear proteins and histones upon DNA damage using an immobilized peptide chemical proteomics approach
Journal article (2006) -
EH Dirksen (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
DT Rijkers (author)
J Cloos (author)
RM Liskamp (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Proteomics in chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Abstract (2004) -
A Kolkman (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
MM Olsthoorn (author)
CE Heeremans (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)