
8 records found

Technology-enhanced learning systems, specifically multimodal learning technologies, use sensors to collect data from multiple modalities to provide personalized learning support beyond traditional learning settings. However, many studies surrounding such multimodal learning syst ...


Webcam-based Attention Analysis via Attention Regulator Behavior Recognition with a Novel E-reading Dataset

Human attention is critical yet challenging cognitive process to measure due to its diverse definitions and non-standardized evaluation. In this work, we focus on the attention self-regulation of learners, which commonly occurs as an effort to regain focus, contrary to attention ...

What Attention Regulation Behaviors Tell Us About Learners in E-Reading?

Adaptive Data-Driven Persona Development and Application Based on Unsupervised Learning

Different individual features of the learner data often work as essential indicators of learning and intervention needs. This work exploits the personas in the design thinking process as the theoretical basis to analyze and cluster learners’ learning behavior patterns as groups. ...

Interactive Intelligence

Multimodal AI for Real-Time Interaction Loop towards Attentive E-Reading

E-learning has shifted the traditional learning paradigms in higher education, offering more flexible, ubiquitous, and personalized learning experiences. The previous years COVID-19 pandemic required a re-calibration of education to accommodate virtual learning environments from ...
Reading on digital devices has become more commonplace, while it often poses challenges to learners' attention. In this study, we hypothesized that allowing learners to reflect on their reading phases with an empathic social robot companion might enhance learners' attention in e- ...
This study is built upon a behavior-based framework for real-time attention evaluation of higher education learners in e-reading. Significant challenges in AI model developments for learning analytics have been 1) defining valid indicators and 2) connecting the analytics results ...
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to automatically mine latent patterns from educational data holds great potential to inform teaching and learning practices. However, the current AI technology mostly works as "black box"-only the inputs and the ...
To address the problem of training on small datasets for action recognition tasks, most prior works are either based on a large number of training samples or require pre-trained models transferred from other large datasets to tackle overfitting problems. However, it limits the re ...


4 records found

Sustained attention is a cognitive state where the learners’ attention is completely focused on the learning environment and content-related thoughts for a continuous stretch of time. Sustained attention is vital to perform well on learning tasks, such as reading. Learning analyt ...
In this research, a learner’s sustained attention in the remote learning context will be studied by collecting data from different sensors. By combining the results of these sensors in a multi-modal analytics tool, the estimation of the learner’s sustained attention can hopefully ...
Remote learning, learning from home using online available materials, is becoming increasingly more common. This paper focuses on reading activities during remote learning. An important part of learning is keeping sustained attention on the learning materials, as a shift from sus ...