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7 records found


Aerial flyers in nature utilize strain sensing to monitor forces in real time, crucial for navigating through wind disturbances and obstacles during flight. While micro air vehicles (MAVs) typically utilize vision and airflow sensing [1], [2], the potential of strain sensing rema ...
Flapping wing micro aerial vehicles (FWMAVs) are known for their flight agility and maneuverability. These bio-inspired and lightweight flying robots still present limitations in their ability to fly in direct wind and gusts, as their stability is severely compromised in contrast ...
Flyers in nature equip different airflow sensing mechanisms to navigate through wind disturbances with remarkable flight stability. Embracing bio-inspiration, airflow sensing with conventional sensors has long been utilized in flight control for larger micro air vehicles (MAVs). ...
This paper discusses a low-cost, open-source and open-hardware design and performance evaluation of a low-speed, multi-fan wind system dedicated to micro air vehicle (MAV) testing. In addition, a set of experiments with a flapping wing MAV and rotorcraft is presented, demonstrati ...


This report presents a comprehensive analysis of repurposing recycled wind turbine blades into functional structures, specifically focusing on the creation of a Strandbeest-inspired kinetic structure. Conducted by Group 17 of Delft University of Technology for the Design Synthesi ...
Airspeed information plays a crucial role in the takeoff, flight, and landing processes in animal flyers and aerial vehicles. Among the aerial vehicles, Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles (FWMAVs) represent the novel engineering approach of learning and mimicking animal flyers in t ...
Flapping wing micro aerial vehicles (FWMAVs) are known for their flight agility and maneuverability. However, their in-gust flight performance and stability is still inferior to their biological counterparts. To this end, a simplified in-gust dynamic model, which could capture th ...