
449 records found


An important challenge in the electrification of aircraft propulsion systems is the design of thermal management systems because of an increased heat load that needs to be dissipated. As an alternative to high-drag external heat exchangers, one can consider surface heat exchanger ...
In recent years, research for turbulent boundary layer (TBL) has shifted towards developing novel approaches to reduce drag. This shift is driven by new industrial standards emphasizing fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly air transportation. As wall-bounded turbulence pla ...

Turbulent flow over liquid-infused superhydrophobic surfaces

An experimental investigation into the drag performance and flow mechanics

Surfaces that induce slip at the wall have been shown to reduce skin friction drag in the turbulent regime. While superhydrophobic and liquid-infused surfaces are capable of drag reduction in turbulent hydrodynamic flows, neither would be feasible in aerodynamic applications due ...

Spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction

An experimental investigation into active and passive flow control

Turbulent drag reduction (DR) is a crucial research area, as this can contribute to significant energy and emission reductions in various industrial and transportation applications. One such technique is the active flow control method of spanwise forcing. Spanwise forcing introdu ...

Wall-normal pores for turbulent drag reduction

Experimental investigation into drag performance and flow mechanics

Flat surfaces with arrays of wall-normal pores called micro-cavity arrays have shown potential to reduce turbulent skin friction drag. Their designs have been inspired by acoustic liners which are sandwich panels consisting of a hon ...

An experimental study on flared folding wingtips

Effects of wing stiffness, aeroelastic tailoring and hinge release threshold on gust load alleviation performance

The flared folding wingtip (FFWT) is a concept presented by Airbus to increase the aerodynamic efficiency and provide a means of load alleviation. A gate-to-gate demonstration of this concept has already been presented with the AlbatrossONE, a scaled aircraft featuring the FFWT c ...

Transonic Dimples

An experimental study of the flow structures formed at transonic speeds over dimpled surfaces

Dimples are shallow surface indentations that have been recently considered as a passive viscous drag reducing technique for turbulent boundary layers. Studies so far were limited to incompressible low-Re flows and display little consensus on whether dimples can actually produce ...
The development of air-breathing propulsion systems as a mean to propel high-altitude high-speed transport and single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) vehicles promises to be a viable alternative to chemical rocket propulsion. In order to enhance mixing, an oblique shock wave is introduced ...

Turbulent boundary layers over surfaces with streamwise-preferential permeability

Experimental investigation into the drag and flow mechanics

Turbulent drag is the largest source of fuel consumption in aviation and forms a significant contribution to climate warming. Recent numerical studies have suggested the ability of surfaces with streamwise-preferential permeability to reduce turbulent friction, and a theoretical ...

Surface Pressure Measurements using Coaxial Volumetric Velocimetry

Investigation on an Inverted Wing in Ground Effect

In experimental aerodynamics, pressure is an important parameter which provides insight into the various features of the flow around the test object. By obtaining the surface pressure information, various inferences can be drawn such as flow separation, local flow velocity etc. T ...

Experimental investigation of transonic buffet on swept wings

A comparative study between 2D and 3D flow and analysis of sweep angle influence using stereoscopic PIV and Background Oriented Schlieren

Transonic buffet is an aerodynamic instability that appears on aerofoils and wings at certain combinations of Mach number and angle of attack, and which limits the aircraft flight envelope. This thesis project presents an experimental
investigation of buffet employing stereos ...

Spanwise wall oscillation as a drag reduction technique

PIV-based evaluation of turbulent skin-friction drag reduction over a flat plate by spanwise wall oscillation

Reduction of skin-friction drag over a fully developed canonical zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer (ZPGTBL) subjected to spanwise oscillation is measured using planar particle image velocimetry (PIV). The experiments are conducted at Reθ of 1000 and 1800, ...

Fluid Structure Interaction Modelling of Flapping Wings

Development and Validation of a General Open-source Fluid Structure Interaction Method with Analysis of Flexible Flapping Wing Aerodynamics

Flapping wings display complex flows which can be used to generate large lift forces. Flexibility in wings is widely used by natural flyers to increase the aerodynamic performance. The influence of wing flexibility on the flow can be computed using numerical analysis with Fluid S ...

On the aeroelasticity of an extreme scale wind turbine

Using an FSI framework in NLR's in-house code ENSOLV

Recent decades, an ongoing trend has emerged in the upscaling of wind turbines in order to compete with traditional energy resources. For conventional wind turbines, aside from improving safety, the driving factors for new designs have always been increased efficiency and perform ...
The boundary layer transition location is a crucial design parameter in aerodynamics. The computational prediction of boundary layer transition in engineering applications is typically based on empirical models. These models require experimental measurements for calibration and v ...
One of the main goals of laminar flow control is to reduce skin-friction drag by delaying the onset of laminar to turbulent transition. Over unswept wings, the leading cause of this is the growth of flow instabilities called Tollmien-Schlichting(TS) waves. This thesis aims to tes ...

On the unsteady development of the flow under transonic Buffet conditions

Experimental study of the interaction of shock and pressure waves using PIV and Schlieren visualization

This thesis presents an experimental study of the unsteady phenomenon known as transonic buffet. Completely developed in the High Speed Lab of the Aerospace Faculty at TU Delft (The Netherlands), the experiments were conducted in the transonic/supersonic wind tunnel TST-27. In or ...
Laser diagnostic techniques such as Particle Image Velocimetry and Particle Tracking Velocimetry to measure the flow of a fluid around an object have been in prevalence for a few decades. Typically, the fluid, whose motion is of interest, is seeded with micron scale particles and ...
A combined PIV and Schlieren measurements have been carried out in the transonic-supersonic wind tunnel (TST-27) to investigate the effect of exhaust plume and the variation in nozzle length on the flow topology and mean pressure distribution on the wake of axisymmetric backward ...

Characterization of junction flow under the influence of passive flow control devices

An experimental study with large-scale tomographic PTV technique

Junction flow denotes the fluid phenomenon where the flow on a flat surface encounters a protuberance. This type of flow, which is highly three-dimensional, turbulent and unsteady, usually leads to the generation of a Horseshoe vortex at the obstacle's leading edge. Existing exte ...