J.G. Verlaan
14 records found
Een exploratieve studie naar de financieel-economische implicaties van de invoering van een baten-lastenstelsel bij de Nederlandse Rijksoverheid voor de instandhouding van civieltechnische netwerken. Doel is om als professioneel opdrachtgever op basis van bedrijfseconomische begi
LCC analyses (LCCA) and discounting calculations are applied by public sector organizations in the Netherlands. Still numerous misunderstandings can be recognized. An overview is given of some common misunderstandings found in Life Cycle Costing Analyses. Issues relating to publi
Ports worldwide are confronted with a changing environment in terms of global economy and a rising awareness of the necessity of balancing economic, social, and environmental interests. Therefore, in recent years, a lot of research has been directed towards studying sustainable p
In many parts of the world, flooding is a big risk. There are numerous strategies to reduce flood risk. The amount of flood risk reduction strategies grows exponentially with the amount of possible measures that can be implemented and possible timings when measures can be impleme