J.G. Verlaan


9 records found

Een exploratieve studie naar de financieel-economische implicaties van de invoering van een baten-lastenstelsel bij de Nederlandse Rijksoverheid voor de instandhouding van civieltechnische netwerken. Doel is om als professioneel opdrachtgever op basis van bedrijfseconomische begi ...
LCC analyses (LCCA) and discounting calculations are applied by public sector organizations in the Netherlands. Still numerous misunderstandings can be recognized. An overview is given of some common misunderstandings found in Life Cycle Costing Analyses. Issues relating to publi ...
In many parts of the world, flooding is a big risk. There are numerous strategies to reduce flood risk. The amount of flood risk reduction strategies grows exponentially with the amount of possible measures that can be implemented and possible timings when measures can be impleme ...
Ports worldwide are confronted with a changing environment in terms of global economy and a rising awareness of the necessity of balancing economic, social, and environmental interests. Therefore, in recent years, a lot of research has been directed towards studying sustainable p ...


11 records found

Planning an Adaptable Port

A Study of Port of Kuala Tanjung

As an Indonesian national strategic project, the Port of Kuala Tanjung draws significant attention at national and international level. Considering the semi-greenfield nature of the port, the diverse set of stakeholders, and the prevailing disruptive trends in the world port busi ...


Is there a necessity to adapt the harbour constructions in the harbour of Brouwershaven, or to secure them against the reduced tide in the Grevelingen lake?

After the big flood in 1953 the Grevelingendam and the Brouwersdam were built as a part of the ‘Deltawerken’. By constructing these dams the Grevelingen was separated from the North Sea, which created the largest salt water lake in Europe. Several decades later it was discovered ...

Shock Safe Nepal

Validation of the model house and a long-term plan for sustainable upscaling of earthquake resistant housing in rural areas in Nepal

Shock Safe Nepal was founded as a response to the 2015 Nepal earthquakes to function as a platform to contribute to the development of knowledge on earthquake safe housing. The goal of the report of team 5 is to validate and optimise the design of the pilot house that was created ...

Project Point Pedro

A multidisciplinary design study of the Point Pedro fishery harbour

In Sri Lanka, the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam waged a civil war between 1983 and 2009. During this period the social and economic development in the north and east of the country was disrupted. Due to this disruption a development opportunity for this regi ...

Beeldbepalende bouwprojecten

Een case study naar relevante beslisinformatie rondom de beeldbepalende plannen voor het Feyenoord stadion

Bouwprojecten zijn qua besluitvormingsproces van complexe aard. De projecten zijn vaak duur, veel actoren zijn bij het besluitvormingsproces betrokken en het is op voorhand onzeker of de projecten de gewenste baten opbrengen. Nog ingewikkelder is de besluitvorming voor beeldbepal ...
Extreme folding damage of open-ended tubular piles could occur during piling in onshore practices. Amazonehaven unique quay wall removal gave the opportunity to study king pile’s failure close to toe. King piles are primary piles in a combined wall system, exposed to static and d ...
Building construction is a complex industry. A wide range of requirement should be achieved within the limited resources by a multidisciplinary team. Hence, errors are likely to occur, and the accumulation of individual mistakes might lead to building failure. Even though constru ...
Schiphol Airport and Heijmans are working together on the renewal of the Schiphol runways pavements. Currently the top layer is covered with a synthetic antiskid material called ASK. But the strong weather limitations for the installation of this material have opened the door for ...
Structures have to meet a particular level of safety. Therefore, in the European design codes (Eurocodes), three reliability classes (RC) are introduced based on the potential consequence of failure of the structure. For each of the RC a maximum allowable probability of failure i ...
In this research, a dichotomy between two different risk approaches is presented. One approach depicts risk management and a subpart of it, risk allocation, to be objective. The other approach contradicts this approach by stating that all stages of risk analysis, including its te ...
Ports worldwide are confronted with a changing environment in terms of global economy and a rising awareness of the necessity of balancing economic, social and environmental interests. Therefore, in recent years, a lot of research has been directed towards studying sustainable po ...