
3 records found

Peering into the Darkness

The Use of UTRS in Combating DDoS Attacks

Remotely Triggered Black Hole (RTBH) is a common DDoS mitigation approach that has been in use for the last two decades. Usually, it is implemented close to the attack victim in networks sharing some type of physical connectivity. The Unwanted Traffic Removal Service (UTRS) proje ...

Intercept and Inject

DNS Response Manipulation in the Wild

DNS is a protocol responsible for translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses. Despite being essential for many Internet services to work properly, it is inherently vulnerable to manipulation. In November 2021, users from Mexico received bogus DNS responses when res ...
The AI Act represents a significant legislative effort by the European Union to govern the use of AI systems according to different risk-related classes, linking varying degrees of compliance obligations to the system's classification. However, it is often critiqued due to the la ...


17 records found

Unraveling Incentives: Understanding the Adoption Barriers of SBOM in the Software Supply Chain

Obtaining novel insights into how a current misalignment of (dis)incentives among business stakeholders in the software supply chain can explain the limited adoption of SBOM

In today's business landscape, software has become an integral part of operations for all companies, with a growing reliance on third-party components. This increasing complexity in software supply chains has led to a significant reduction in transparency and visibility, posing c ...

Secure Payments in the Quantum Era

A Technology Roadmap for the Post-Quantum Cryptography Transition in the Dutch Banking Sector

In 2019 a quantum computer performed a highly complex operation in 4 minutes, which would have taken the most powerful supercomputers of today around 10,000 years. Performing calculations unimaginably faster than is currently possible may bring great opportunities, but may implic ...

Static Analysis of Spam Call Blocking Applications

Common Android APIs Used for Call Interception and Blocking

In order to combat increasing spam calls, many applications are developed and downloaded to block those calls. Some studies about performance of the applications were previously conducted, however, the actual processes the applications go through to intercept and block the spam c ...

Analysing Android Spam Call Applications

Developing a Methodology For Dynamic Analysis

The aim of this research is to provide a structured approach for dynamically analysing Android applications, focusing on applications that block or flag suspected spam caller IDs. This paper discusses ways to determine how an application stores the data regarding the phone number ...

VoBERT: Unstable Log Sequence Anomaly Detection

Introducing Vocabulary-Free BERT

With the ever-increasing digitalisation of society and the explosion of internet-enabled devices with the Internet of Things (IoT), keeping services and devices secure is becoming more important. Logs play a critical role in sustaining system reliability. Manual analysis of logs ...
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are essential for protecting computer systems and networks from malicious attacks. However, IDSs face challenges in dealing with dynamic and imbalanced data, as well as limited label availability. In this thesis, we propose a novel elastic gradi ...

Learning from phishing emails

Creating new metrics to measure the effect of anti-phishing training in a large company

Phishing attacks are a growing cause of cybersecurity incidents such as data breaches. With these attacks, malicious actors try to gain access to systems by exploiting the vulnerability of employees. Particularly, intruders use different tricks to create convincing phishing email ...

The Risks and Regulation of Decentralized Finance

A Recommendation to Policy Makers

In the past several years, financial applications of the blockchain technology experienced significant growth, development and adoption among the public and institutional investors. With the rise of stablecoins and major events such as the announcement of Facebook’s own cryptocur ...

Overcoming the Barriers to Large Language Model (LLM) Adoption

A study on Organisations’ Perceived Risks of LLMs

Generative AI is expected to have a significant impact on how business is done, especially for knowledge-intensive domains. Professional usage amongst knowledge workers is already widespread and many of them believe that LLM use for work will make them more efficient, help them g ...

Crashing the smart grid

Modelling smart grid robustness against failures in an interdependent communication network

The power grid is becoming more intertwined with communication technologies, forming what is known as the smart grid. This integration allows for more efficient management of the power grid, which can help reduce emissions. However, the increasing connectivity with communication ...

Crashing the smart grid

Modelling smart grid robustness against failures in an interdependent communication network

The power grid is becoming more intertwined with communication technologies, forming what is known as the smart grid. This integration allows for more efficient management of the power grid, which can help reduce emissions. However, the increasing connectivity with communication ...

The Cryptogeddon of Blockchain

Designing policy recommendations for public blockchains to transition towards a quantum-safe environment

Beyond CVEs

An Analysis of Untracked Software Vulnerabilities Disclosed in Public Issue Trackers

Increasing digitalization of systems bring about the grand challenge of keeping these systems secure from malicious prying eyes, and thus highlighting the need for increased Cybersecurity practices. Ransomware is among the most prevalent cybersecurity threats in our current digit ...
Spam calls are a widespread problem as people receive about 14 spam calls per month on average. In response, tens of applications are available in Google’s Play Store that aim to block these calls. While these apps have hundreds of millions of installations, there’s a lack of res ...
Applications on Android phones which block spam calls could be argued a necessity for people unfortunate enough to have their number on spam lists. Third-party applications provide exten- sive, up-to-date blocklists to screen incoming calls. This paper analyses and describes how ...
Spam calls are becoming an increasing problem, with people receiving multiple spam calls per month on average. Multiple Android applications exist that are able to detect spam calls and display a warning or block such calls. Little is known however on how these applications work ...