Peter Wurz

10 records found

Context. The ROSINA instrument on board the Rosetta spacecraft measured, among others, the outgassing of noble gases from comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko. The interpretation of this dataset and unravelling underlying desorption mechanisms requires detailed laboratory studies. Ai ...
Various Solar System objects are covered in layers of ice that are dominated by H 2O, CH 4, and N 2 and in which complex chemical processes take place. In this work, the influence of composition and irradi ...
Spectroscopic instruments were a part of payloads on orbiter and lander missions and delivered vast data sets to explore minerals, elements and molecules on air-less rocky planets, asteroids and comets on global and local scales. To answer current space science questions, the che ...
Recent and past observations of chemical and physical peculiarities in the atmosphere of Venus have renewed speculations about the existence of life in its clouds. To find signs of Venusian life, a dedicated astrobiological space exploration mission is required, and for this reas ...
In the search for extraterrestrial life, biosignatures (e.g., organic molecules) play an important role, of which lipids are one considerable class. If detected, these molecules can be strong indicators of the presence of life, past or present, as they are ubiquitous in life on E ...
Rationale: Femtosecond (fs) laser ablation ion sources have allowed for improved measurement capabilities and figures of merit of laser ablation based spectroscopic and mass spectrometric measurement techniques. However, in comparison to longer pulse laser systems, the ablation p ...
Rationale: Laser ablation combined with mass spectrometry forms a promising tool for chemical depth profiling of solids. At irradiations near the ablation threshold, high depth resolutions are achieved. However, at these conditions, a large fraction of ablated species is neutral ...
For the last four decades space exploration missions have searched for molecular life on planetary surfaces beyond Earth. Often pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry has been used as payload on such space exploration missions. These instruments have relatively low detect ...
Accurate isotope ratio measurements are of high importance in various scientific fields, ranging from radio isotope geochronology of solids to studies of element isotopes fractionated by living organisms. Instrument limitations, such as unresolved isobaric inferences in the mass ...
We investigate the feasibility of detecting water molecules (H2O) and water ions (H2O+) from the Europa plumes from a flyby mission. A Monte Carlo particle tracing method is used to simulate the trajectories of neutral particles under the influenc ...