
3 records found

Stepping into the shoes of the policy maker

Results of a Participatory Value Evaluation for the Dutch long term COVID-19 strategy

Background: The COVID-19 outbreak early 2020 was followed by an unprecedented package of measures. The relative calmness of the pandemic early 2022 provides a momentum to prepare for various scenarios. Objectives: As acceptance of COVID-19 measures is key for public support we in ...

Brede welvaart heeft ethische blik nodig

Bijdrage aan het Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 13 en 14 oktober 2022, Utrecht

Brede welvaart betekent breder naar vooruitgang kijken dan in termen van economische groei of – in het mobiliteitsdomein – capaciteitsknelpunten alleen. De behoefte aan een brede welvaart benadering resoneert in toenemende mate bij professionals, beleidsmakers en politici. Het ou ...

Wat vinden consumenten en burgers van maatregelen om het retourneren van online bestellingen terug te dringen?

Resultaten van vier discrete keuze-experimenten. Bijdrage aan het Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, 25 en 26 november 2021, Utrecht.

Veel Nederlanders bestellen producten online en het aantal bestellingen dat online wordt gedaan neemt de laatste jaren sterk toe. Online bestellen is gemakkelijk, maar het heeft ook ongewenste effecten op de maatschappij. Wanneer producten worden teruggestuurd leidt dit tot extra ...


3 records found

Rethinking the operationalization of broad prosperity

Towards the integration of local values into the ex-ante evaluation of Dutch transport policies

With what objectives do policymakers make transport policy? This fundamental question is subject to a paradigm shift within transport policymaking in the Netherlands. There is an increasing call to let go of the predominant focus on economic well-being and consider a broader noti ...

The Effectiveness of Participatory Value Evaluation in National Transport Projects

Uncovering the Added Value of Participatory Value Evaluation in the Multiyear Program for Infrastructure, Spatial Planning, and Transport Process through Policymaker Interviews and Respondent Answer Analysis

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, responsible for major infrastructure projects in the Netherlands, is exploring methods to incorporate well-being in its project evaluations and designs. To address the limitations of expressing well-being in monetary terms, a n ...


Application of SHAP and Machine Learning to PVE Quantitative Data

A relatively novel approach of public participation is the Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) in which a dilemma of a policymaker is provided to citizens (Mouter, Shortall, et al., 2021). In a PVE, citizens face a realistic choice task in which the policy dilemma is explained t ...