Mazen Danaf
10 records found
Through the vast adoption and application of emerging technologies, the intelligence and autonomy of smart mobility can be substantially elevated to address more diversified demands and supplies. Along with this trend, a systematic collaboration among three essential elements of
Endogeneity in adaptive choice contexts
Choice-based recommender systems and adaptive stated preferences surveys
Endogeneity arises in discrete choice models due to several factors and results in inconsistent estimates of the model parameters. In adaptive choice contexts such as choice-based recommender systems and adaptive stated preferences (ASP) surveys, endogeneity is expected because t
Online discrete choice models
Applications in personalized recommendations
This paper presents a framework for estimating and updating user preferences in the context of app-based recommender systems. We specifically consider recommender systems which provide personalized menus of options to users. A Hierarchical Bayes procedure is applied in order to a
The urban mobility landscape is witnessing widespread changes with the emergence of several disruptive technologies including mobility-as-a-service and automated vehicles. The convergence of these two developments in the form of automated mobility-on-demand (AMoD) services (i.e.,
Endogeneity in adaptive choice contexts
Choice-based recommender systems and adaptive stated preferences surveys
Endogeneity arises in discrete choice models due to several factors and results in inconsistent estimates of the model parameters. In adaptive choice contexts such as choice-based recommender systems and adaptive stated preferences (ASP) surveys, endogeneity is expected because
Stated preferences surveys are most commonly used to provide behavioral insights on hypothetical travel scenarios such as new transportation services or attribute ranges beyond those observed in existing conditions. When designing SP surveys, considerable care is needed to balanc
Logit mixture models have gained increasing interest among researchers and practitioners because of their ability to capture unobserved taste heterogeneity. Becker et al. (2018) proposed a Hierarchical Bayes (HB) estimator for logit mixtures with inter- and intra-consumer heterog
Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services
General framework and application to sustainable travel incentives
This paper presents a systematic way of understanding and modeling traveler behavior in response to on-demand mobility services. We explicitly consider the sequential and yet inter-connected decision-making stages specific to on-demand service usage. The framework includes a hybr
Estimating discrete choice models on panel data allows for the estimation of preference heterogeneity in the sample. While the Logit Mixture model with random parameters is mostly used to account for variation across individuals, preferences may also vary across different choice
Personalized Menu Optimization with Preference Updater
A Boston Case Study
This paper presents a personalized menu optimization model with preference updater in the context of an innovative Smart Mobility system that offers a personalized menu of travel options with incentives for each incoming traveler in real time. This Smart Mobility system can serve