38 records found


Estuarine Adjustment

Dependence of Salinity Delay on the Forcing Timescale and Magnitude

The salinity in estuaries continuously adapts to varying forcing for example, by discharge and tidal conditions. The changes in salinity lag behind the changes in forcing. Previous work has mostly related this delay to the adjustment time, which depends on an average backgroun ...

Evolution of multi-annual and large-scale phytoplankton patterns in the Scheldt estuary

The disappearance of phytoplankton accumulation in the brackish region

Estuaries often show regions in which Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) accumulates. The location and magnitude corresponding to such accumulation result from a complex interplay between processes such as river flushing, salinity, nutrients, grazing on phytoplankton, and the light climate ...

Turbidity maxima in estuarine networks

Dependence on fluvial sediment input and local deepening/narrowing with an exploratory model

An estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) results from various subtidal sediment transport mechanisms related to, e.g., river, tides, and density gradients, which have been extensively analysed in single-channel estuaries. However, ETMs have also been found in estuaries composed of ...

Many estuaries exhibit seasonality in the estuary-scale distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM). This SPM distribution depends on various factors, including freshwater discharge, salinity intrusion, erodibility, and the ability of cohesive SPM to flocculate into lar ...

Can the Scheldt River Estuary become hyperturbid?

A model analysis of suspended sediment concentrations and transport in response to channel deepening

We investigate the hypothesis by Winterwerp and Wang (Ocean Dyn 63:1279–1292, 2013) that channel deepening in the Scheldt River Estuary could lead to a large increase in suspended sediment concentrations, with subsequent severe consequences to primary production and navigation ...

Phytoplankton biomass in estuaries is controlled by complex biological and chemical processes that control growth and mortality, and physical processes that control transport and dilution. The effects of these processes on phytoplankton blooms were systematically analyzed, foc ...

Using an idealized width-averaged process-based model, the role of a mud pool on the bed and time-varying river discharge on the trapping of fine sediment is systematically investigated. For this purpose, a dynamically and physically motivated description of erodibility is presen ...
Over the last few decades, some estuaries have undergone a transition to a hyperturbid state, characterised by suspended sediment concentrations of several grammes per litre averaged over the water column. To improve our understanding of this transition and of naturally hyperturb ...

The iFlow modelling framework v2.4

A modular idealized process-based model for flow and transport in estuaries

The iFlow modelling framework is a width-averaged model for the systematic analysis of the water motion and sediment transport processes in estuaries and tidal rivers. The distinctive solution method, a mathematical perturbation method, used in the model allows for identificat ...


Voxels are cells on a 3D regular grid. Voxel-based scenes have many applications, including frequent use in simulations or games. Over the years, the field of high-resolution voxel scenes has progressed significantly, allowing for compressing and real-time editing of high-resolut ...

Data-Driven Turbulence Modeling

Discovering Turbulence Models using Sparse Symbolic Regression

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the main tool to use in industry and engineering problems including turbulent flows. Turbulence modeling relies on solving the Navier-Stokes equations. Solving these equations directly takes a lot of time and computational power. More afforda ...

The paradox of plankton

Biodiversity due to instability

The principle of competitive exclusion states that, in equilibrium, the amount of coexisting species is limited by the amount of limiting resource types in an ecosystem. However, in phytoplankton communities the paradox of plankton appears, amounts of plankton species can coexist ...
Due to climate change, the sea temperature is rising. This temperature change has an effect on the phytoplankton population. Phytoplankton is responsible for more than 50 percent of the oxygen production on earth, and is therefore crucial for life on earth. In this report, the re ...
Numerical methods for solving problems with a large contrast in the coefficients are investigated in this report. These types of problems typically appear in basin modeling. Specifically, the deflation and restricted additive Schwarz (RAS) methods are compared for their effective ...
The goal of seismic imaging is to create a model of the subsurface from samples of a transmitted wavefield that is reflected in soil layers.
The created model can be used to locate storage possibilities for CO2 or H2 or to find oil and gas reservoirs or other natural resource ...
Because the demand for green energy increases rapidly, it is expected that solar and wind energy will dominate future power generation. New in this field is the development of offshore floating solar systems, consisting of multiple interconnected platforms that are covered with P ...
The goal of this thesis is to create a theoreticalmodel that captures the influence of wind on the horizontal and vertical salinity distribution in an estuary, as well as the dynamics that arise within the estuary. A secondary, numerical model, that uses fewer assumptions, will b ...

Plankton populaties in rivieren

Analyse van patronen in planktonmodellen voor rivierstructuren

Er wordt geschat dat 80% van al het zuurstof op aarde geproduceerd wordt door fytoplankton. Dit is een soort eencellige plant die voorkomen in wateren over de hele wereld. Deze kleine planten worden voornamelijk gegeten door zoöplankton, kleine organismen bestaand uit meestal enk ...
A study of five European estuaries by Winterwerp and Wang (2013) showed that tidal ranges increased significantly along with the ongoing narrowing and deepening of these estuaries. In addition to an increase in tidal range, a dramatic increase in suspended sediment concentrations ...
Using an idealized width-averaged model, the influence of spring-neap cycles on the transport and trapping of suspended fine sediment in tide-dominated estuaries is investigated. To this end we introduce a multiple time scale expansion. This provides a mathematically sound argume ...