
8 records found

In regions with a temperate climate, a well-maintained grass sod on a clay layer is considered a reliable protection for dams and dikes. In the Living Lab Hedwige-Prosperpolder, on the left bank of the Scheldt river straddling the border between Belgium and the Netherlands, a ser ...

Hoogwater 2021

Feiten en Duiding

In juli 2021 zijn grote delen van Limburg getroffen door hevige regenval en overstromingen. Ook delen van België en Duitsland overstroomden met zeer veel schade en verlies aan mensenlevens tot gevolg. Dit betrof een extreme en ongeëvenaarde gebeurtenis met enorme impact. Daarom i ...
Flood prone areas are often protected against flooding by an extensive network of flood defenses. To ensure their structural integrity, these flood defenses are periodically assessed. Many levees have been functioning well for decades, and have survived several relatively high hy ...
The floods in the Netherlands in the summer of 2021 led to severe economic damage and losses in the affected area. A first estimate in September 2021 showed that more than 2,500 houses, more than 5,000 inhabitants and around 600 businesses were affected. Using the Dutch standard ...
Levees are critical in providing protection against catastrophic flood events, and thus require continuous monitoring. Current levee inspection methods rely on limited information obtained by visual inspection, resulting in infrequent, localized, mostly qualitative and subjective ...
A major part of the Netherlands is prone to flooding: roughly 60%. Therefore, a large system of flood defences protects the country from flooding. These flood defences are divided into primary and regional flood defence systems. Primary flood defences protect areas against catast ...
Coastal flood risk is expected to increase due to climate change and population growth. Much of our coastlines is protected by “grey” infrastructure such as a dike. Dike maintenance and strengthening requires ever increasing capital and space, putting their economic viability in ...
In a world affected by climate change and sea-level rise, intense storms are expected to become more frequent in the future. This implies that our coastal protections will be more often and more intensely affected by overtopping waves, potentially endangering the safety of our co ...


12 records found

Large areas of the world are protected by flood defence systems. A common part of flood defence systems is a levee with grass cover, with the primary function to protect hinterland against floods. Waveovertopping might lead to erosion of the grass cover, followed by erosion of th ...

De invloed van het falen van gemalen op wateroverlast in polders

Vergeten de waterschappen een parameter in de watersysteemtoets?

In dit onderzoek zal antwoord worden gegeven op de vraag: Moet het falen van gemalen mee worden genomen in de watersysteemtoets? In de 6-jaarlijkse toetsing van de waterschappen wordt bepaald of het watersysteem voldoet aan de door de provincie opgestelde eisen voor wateroverlas ...

Conserving Coastal Lagoons by Enhancing Ecosystem Services

A Case Study of the Muni-Pomadze Lagoon in Ghana

Rapid urbanisation and globalisation are bringing increasingly complex issues to the forefront. Improper planning of human activities and over exploitation of the surrounding natural resources has successfully damaged the biodiversity and the natural processes. Today humanity is ...

The investigation of animal burrows in levees

Using experimental data to develop a probabilistic model that aims to improve the efficiency of manual inspection of animal burrows on levees

Animal-induced anomalies on a levee surface negatively affect the erosion-resistance of a levee, leading to rapid failure of the inner slope in case of overtopping and/or overflow during high water. Where active prevention techniques of burrows from large animals, such as muskrat ...
In this assignment we simulate a two meters wide dike stretch which is subjected to overflow. Three failure mechanisms could occur due to overflow: full erosion of the soil of the dike, macro instability of the levee if too much soil is eroded away, leading to insufficient counte ...

Dismantle Boundaries-Create Synergies

Rethinking Houstons Infrastructure

This report is not only the final result of the design made for the Infrastructure and Environment Design course (Q4 - Urbanism) but considerably more a representation of the entire learning process and the path towards the goal itself. The aim of this course was to investigate w ...
With rapid urbanization, Low Impact Development (LID) is promoted as an alternative to Conventional Drainage (CD), seeking a natural solution for current urban water problems. The positive effects of LID were the main theme of recent LID researches, but this project aims to deepl ...
Large parts of the Netherlands are vulnerable to flooding. Due to the great impact that a flood would have for the Dutch society, The flood safety standards are very strict, which means that the required failure probability of flood defences is very low. To keep the flood risk wi ...
Due to accelerating climate change, which entails more extreme storm conditions and exponential sea level rise, the protective function of our dikes and levees is under growing pressure. The presence of so-called forelands (e.g., beach, mudflat, and tidal marsh) are promising Nat ...
In 2010 a large flash flood hit El Arish City, killing at least 6 people and causing a lot of damage. This was not the first time the Sinai was affected by these flash floods, more than 40 flash floods have been recorded in the El Arish watershed in the last 100 years. The enormo ...
Under the current climate change projections, droughts and extreme rainfall events are becoming more common and intense. During sustained droughts, soil cracks can develop in the topsoil of a dike. These soil cracks can enhance the infiltration and drainage of the dike, affecting ...
Relative sea level rise and climate change represent long-term threats for the ecosystems and flood defence system in the Wadden Sea. Moreover, the flood-dominant tidal basins in the area lead to sedimentation in the navigational channels used by the ferry services that connect t ...