12 records found


Limitations of a haptic device can cause distortions of the force feedback it presents. Just-noticeable difference (JND) in system dynamics is important for creating transparent haptic interaction. Based on the previous work, this article presents a unified model that extends the ...

Haptic displays can greatly facilitate manual control tasks. Their capacity of allowing the operator to perceive the desired dynamics is an important design parameter. However, attempts to evaluate haptic displays on the basis of what dynamics humans actually perceive are scar ...

At present, the rapid development of automation technologies allows robots remarkable precision and endurance, as well as the strength in accomplishing repetitive tasks. Despite this, manual control is still indispensable in many domains where robots and humans play complementary ...

Time delays in haptic teleoperation affect the ability of human operators to assess mechanical properties (damping, mass, and stiffness) of the remote environment. To address this, we propose a unified framework for human haptic perception of the mechanical properties of envir ...

This study revisits the active manipulator developed for manual aircraft control. The active manipulator sends the force applied by the pilot to the aircraft while feeding back the aircraft rotational velocity bymeans of its deflection angle. We find that the activemanipulator, i ...

Most haptic interfaces developed for aircraft control provide haptic support as an additional force on the control manipulator. This study revisits the active manipulator, which is a design concept that is different from but complementary to existing haptic interfaces. This co ...

Abstract—Just notable difference (JND) thresholds for the perception of manipulator dynamic properties are relevant for tele-operation and simulation of vehicles. Manipulator dynamic properties are characterized by multiple variables (describing mass, spring and damping for a lin ...
Wave-variable transformation is a means to maintain stability of haptic teleoperation in the presence of communication time delays. Its drawback is that it affects haptic perception of remote properties and thereby degrades transparency. This paper studies the effect of wave-vari ...
We discuss an extension of the basic principles underlying the human haptic just noticeable difference (JND) in perceiving a manipulator's mechanical properties from force feedback. Two cases are studied: 1) the JND in perceiving the stiffness of manipulators with various masses; ...
A large variation of the haptic Just Noticeable difference (JND) in stiffness is found in literature. But no underlying model that explains this variation was found, limiting the practical use of the stiffness JND in the evaluation work of control loading system (CLS). To this en ...