Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan


3 records found


Checking Transaction Isolation Violations with Graph Queries

Distributed databases are surging in popularity with the growing need for performance and fault tolerance. However, implementing transaction isolation models on distributed databases is more challenging due to their sharding and replication. As a result, they can produce executio ...
Byzantine consensus protocols aim at maintaining safety guarantees under any network synchrony model and at providing liveness in partially or fully synchronous networks. However, several Byzantine consensus protocols have been shown to violate liveness properties under certain s ...


17 records found

Optimal Robust Decision Trees

A dynamic programming approach

Decision trees are integral to machine learning, with their robustness being a critical measure of effectiveness against adversarial data manipulations. Despite advancements in algorithms, current solutions are either optimal but lack scalability or scale well, but do not guarran ...

Concurrency Testing of PBFT

How do different exploration strategies perform for detecting concurrency bugs in PBFT?

Consensus algorithms, as well as distributed systems in general, are vulnerable to concurrency bugs due to non-determinism. Such bugs are hard to detect since it is necessary to test using a lot of different scenarios and even then, there is no guarantee to find one. Controlled ...

Optimal Regression Trees via Dynamic Programming

Optimization techniques for learning Regression Trees

Decision trees make decisions in a way interpretable to humans, this is important when machines are increasingly used to aid in making high-stakes and socially sensitive decisions. While heuristics have been used for a long time to find decision trees with reasonable accuracy, re ...

Individually fair optimal decision trees

Using a dynamic programming approach

In this paper, we tackle the problem of creating decision trees that are both optimal and individually fair. While decision trees are popular due to their interpretability, achieving optimality can be difficult. Existing approaches either lack scalability or fail to consider indi ...

Competences in Machine Learning

The order of competences that students need to learn in ML

Machine learning is becoming more and more applied within business and academia alike. This has led researchers to look inwards and discuss whether the current way of teaching and learning machine learning is the right way. Within this train of thought, one must investigate the c ...
The Algorithm Selection Problem is a relevant question in computer science that would enable us to predict which algorithm would perform better on a given instance of a problem. Different solutions have been proposed, either using Mixed Integer Programming or machine learning mo ...

Efficient Term-Rewriting Super-Optimisation

Specialising Rulesets to Reduce Time Requirements for Compiler Optimisation

Term-rewriting super-optimisation during compilation uses rewrite rules in order to restructure a provided code expression into the optimal form, comparing different expressions using a cost function. To reduce the compilation time taken by term-rewriting, the ruleset can be opti ...

Memory Layout Optimisation on Abstract Syntax Trees

Impact on Utilisation Speed During Type Checking and Code Generation Phases

In the field of software engineering, the speed of compilation plays a crucial role in enhancing development productivity. This thesis investigates the impact of optimising the memory layout of Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) on the performance of the type checking and code generati ...
With the increase of machine learning applications in our every-day life, high-quality datasets are becoming necessary to train accurate and reliable models. This research delves into the factors that contribute to a high quality dataset and examines how different dataset metrics ...

Continuous Improvement of Driving Automation

Using Safety Performance Indicators and Hazardous Scenario Identification

The rapid advancement of automated vehicles (AVs) can potentially improve transportation. However, ensuring the safety and reliability of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) remains a critical challenge, particularly when facing the expansion of Operational Design Domains (ODDs) an ...

Comparative Analysis of Linking Efficiency

Evaluating LLD and mold through Insights into Performance Metrics and Architectural Differences in Software Linking Processes

This study examines the differences between two modern linkers, LLD and mold, focusing on their efficiency during software development. Although the linking process, which combines multiple object files into a single executable, typically occupies a minor fraction of the total co ...

Beyond Traditional Lexing

Exploiting SIMD Instructions for Tokenizing C

Over the past decades, Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions have become common- place in conventional hardware. Lexical analysis, the first stage of compilation, can take advantage of this by splitting its workload across sub lexers that identify groups of tokens ...
Big Data is an expanding industry, yet exhaustive and automated testing of Big Data applications is still in its early stages. In the last few years, testing framework for Big Data applications have started appearing. BigFuzz is a program that uses fuzz testing for Big Data appli ...
Concurrency bugs are easy to introduce but dif- ficult to detect, especially in implementations of distributed algorithms where concurrency non- determinism is an inherent problem. These bugs may only be identified under very specific order- ings of execution events, making them ...
Big data applications are becoming increasingly popular. The importance of testing these applications increases with it. A recently proposed work called BigFuzz applies automated testing. The big data fuzzing tool shows very promising results. The aim of this research is to inspe ...
This papers examines an ant colony optimization approach for solving a specific variant of the Flexible Job Shop Problem faced by the Dutch chemistry company DSM. Jobs consisting of operations on a specific enzyme need to be scheduled as efficiently as possible on groups of avail ...