Han Meyer


8 records found

Delta Urbanism coming of age

25 years of Delta Urbanism where are we now?

‘Delta Urbanism’ is a common field of interest of different disciplines, which discovered the need to work together in order to be able to develop fruitful strategies for the future development of urbanized delta regions. The birth of this collaboration can be dated in the 19 ...

Toward a Cultural Heritage of Adaptation

A Plea to Embrace the Heritage of a Culture of Risk, Vulnerability and Adaptation

We need to tell a new story about urbanizing delta regions. Historically, large-scale ‘iconic’ hydraulic works and modern industrial ports have been celebrated as showing the power of humans to control and subject nature. The emphasis on this part of cultural heritage tends to bu ...

Rising Water, Sinking Cities Venice and Rotterdam

Grappling with the Landscape of Lagoon and Delta

In order to provide a sustainable development strategy to ensure the long term survival of coastal and deltaic areas, the lagoon of Venice and the delta of Rotterdam were exanimated for possible alternatives. This article investigated the historical development of the city-water ...

Designing for Different Dynamics

The Search for a New Practice of Planning and Design in the Dutch Delta

The Dutch delta is an example of a complex urban landscape, the result of different processes with different time frames. Such an urban landscape can be regarded as the product of mutual relationships between natural processes and human interventions. Since the 1970s, landscape a ...

Designing for Different Dynamics

The Search for a New Practice of Planning and Design in the Dutch Delta

The Dutch delta is an example of a complex urban landscape, the result of different processes with different time frames. Such an urban landscape can be regarded as the product of mutual relationships between natural processes and human interventions. Since the 1970s, landscape a ...

Introduction. The Southwest Delta

Space for 'controlled dynamics'

The Southwest Delta is perhaps the most dynamic region in the low-lying Dutch Delta, both in terms of the dynamics of the relationship between water and land, and in terms of the dynamics of urban and economic growth and their consequences for land-use.@en

Foundries of the Future

A Guide for 21st Century Cities of Making

Since the 1970s, cities world-wide have been witness to radical de-industrialisation. Manufacturing was considered incompatible with urban life and was actively pushed out. As economies have grown, public officials and developers have instinctively shifted their priorities to sho ...


Sustainable co-evolution of the natural and built environment along sandy shores

The land-sea interface is a very attractive location for humans to settle. In the case of low lying, sedimentary coastlines this can be a risky location, as these shorelines are inherently dynamic in nature. Accelerating rates of relative sea level rise will increase coastal eros ...


12 records found

Open to water

A search towards an integral approach to live in areas that are allowed to flood on the southern side of Dordrecht

In the wake of climate change and rising water levels the city of Dordrecht is looking for alternative ways to prepare for coming threats other than keep raising the current dikes. In an exploration a suggestion is made to use the southern side of the island as a buffer for exces ...

Edge city, beyond edge city

Evolutionary urbanization by dynamics of landscape ecology

Historically, cities have been shaped by the transport system as it was considered as the most crucial element for economic growth. However, the advance of infomation technology broke the strong relationship between the city shape, the transport system and the economic growth. Si ...

Adaptation by Design: San Rafael Canal District

Keeping water out, and people in

The San Rafael canal district is an example of a high density, low-income neighborhood in a flood risk area. A combination that is becoming a global problem, and will likely grow with future climate change. In this thesis strategic spatial planning, water management interventions ...

De Landschapsarchitectuur van het Polder-boezemsysteem

Structuur en vorm van waterstelsel, waterpatroon en waterwerk in het Nederlandse laagland

Het polder-boezemsysteem, een watersysteem dat is ontstaan door vallen en opstaan, continue is aangepast, en vanwege de invloed van de klimaatsverandering moet worden uitgebreid vormt het onderwerp van dit proefschrift. In het onderzoek wordt gezocht naar een antwoord op de volge ...

Pearl River Delta: Scales, Times, Domains

A Mapping Method for the Exploration of Rapidly Urbanizng Deltas

The research aims to provide an understanding of an urbanizing delta in which different scales, times, and domains are related to each other; and to examine how this understanding can be used in a planning and design process in a rapidly urbanizing delta. A mapping method is deve ...

Pearl River Delta: Scales, Times, Domains

A Mapping Method for the Exploration of Rapidly Urbanizng Deltas

The research aims to provide an understanding of an urbanizing delta in which different scales, times, and domains are related to each other; and to examine how this understanding can be used in a planning and design process in a rapidly urbanizing delta. A mapping method is deve ...

The Squatted New Town

Modern Movement meets Self-organisation in Venezuela

A critical discourse on the influence of the Modern Movement in urban design and planning has been taking place since the mid-20th century, accompanied by an ongoing search for opportunities to bring the human dimension, scale and self-organisation into this process. However, sti ...
In this study, the transformation of the form of nine cities in the Randstad between 1250 and 1940 in relation to changes in infrastructure is central, namely Utrecht, Dordrecht, Leiden, Haarlem, Delft, Gouda, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Within this time span three period ...

African New Towns

An adaptive, principle-based approach

Since the economic shifts of the 1990s, New Towns have become an increasingly popular approach to urban development across the African continent. While New Towns are not a new development model, their contemporary materialisation often targets middle- and high-income buyers, leav ...

Adaptive planning for resilient coastal waterfronts

Linking flood risk reduction with urban development in Rotterdam and New York City

Many delta cities and urbanized coastal regions are facing increasing risks of flooding due to climate change and sea level rise and will have to adapt. The question that is central to this study is what opportunities offer spatial development and urban renewal to speed up the pr ...

Spatial Quality as a Decisive Criterion in Flood Risk Strategies

An integrated approach for flood risk management strategy development, with spatial quality as an ex-ante criterion

The role of the designer in flood risk management strategy development is currently often restricted to the important but limited task of optimally embedding technical interventions, which are themselves derivatives of system level flood risk strategies that are developed at an e ...

Spatial Planning and Design for Resilience

The Case of Pearl River Delta

Faced with the highly overlapping factors of the external disturbances -- natural disasters caused by extreme climate change, and internal interactions -- the contradiction between natural conditions and rapid urbanization, traditional spatial planning and design used to pursue e ...