M.A.F.M. Jacobs


5 records found

In this paper, we present a vision on how engineers can play different roles in future society 2030. First we predicted how society in the Netherlands (in relation to Europe and the rest of the world) is going to develop and how future engineers will behave, act and take their po ...


2 records found

Door middel van het vak Onderzoek & Ontwerpen, opgezet door de Stichting Technasium, ontwikkelen leerlingen vakoverstijgende competenties. Het is noodzakelijk dat leerlingen deze competenties zelfregulerend leren ontwikkelen; dit verhoogt de effectiviteit van het leerproces. Doel ...
Schools and other educational instances (such as: elementary, primary and secondary schools, schools for applied sciences and universities) are making use of new innovations and technologies to help teachers and students. After Smart Boards, computers, and tablets, a new field o ...