Francisco Taveira-Pinto


3 records found

Hybrid wave-wind energy converters are considered an innovative solution to decrease costs in the various phases of installation and operation and lead to a lower Levelized Cost of Energy. Currently, there are different concepts in various Technology Readiness Levels. This paper ...
This paper studies novel ways to evaluate armour damage in physical models of coastal structures. High-resolution damage data for reference rubble mound breakwaters obtained under the HYDRALAB+ joint-research project are analysed and discussed. These tests are used to analyse the ...
No âmbito do projeto HYDRALAB+ (H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015), foi realizado no LNEC um conjunto de ensaios em modelo físico bidimensional (2D) de um perfil de um quebra-mar de talude em enrocamento, construído à escala geométrica 1:30, para diferentes condições de agitação marítima e ...