Rute Lemos


4 records found

This paper describes the experiments performed at the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) aiming at simulating, in a flume, the wave propagation along a constant slope bottom that ends on a sea wall coastal defence structure, a common structure employed in the Portug ...
This paper studies novel ways to evaluate armour damage in physical models of coastal structures. High-resolution damage data for reference rubble mound breakwaters obtained under the HYDRALAB+ joint-research project are analysed and discussed. These tests are used to analyse the ...
No âmbito do projeto HYDRALAB+ (H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015), foi realizado no LNEC um conjunto de ensaios em modelo físico bidimensional (2D) de um perfil de um quebra-mar de talude em enrocamento, construído à escala geométrica 1:30, para diferentes condições de agitação marítima e ...
A set of scale-model tests was carried out at the wave basin of the Leibniz University Hannover to extend the range of wave steepness values analysed in run-up, overtopping and armour layer stability studies, focusing on oblique extreme wave conditions and on their effects on a g ...