
4 records found


A framework for robot self-adaptation

Self-adaptation can be used in robotics to increase system robust- ness and reliability. This work describes the Metacontrol method for self-adaptation in robotics. Particularly, it details how the MROS (Metacontrol for ROS Systems) framework implements and pack- ages Metacontrol ...
Known attempts to build autonomous robots rely on complex control architectures, often implemented with the Robot Operating System platform (ROS). The implementation of adaptable architectures is very often ad hoc, quickly gets cumbersome and expensive. Reusable solutions that su ...
Autonomous systems are expected to maintain a dependable operation without human intervention. They are intended to fulfill the mission for which they were deployed, properly handling the disturbances that may affect them. Underwater robots, such as the UX-1 mine explorer develop ...
We investigate the possibilities, challenges, and limitations that arise from the use of behavior trees in the context of the automatic modular design of collective behaviors in swarm robotics. To do so, we introduce Maple, an automatic design method that combines predefined modul ...


1 records found

There is a growing demand for autonomous mobile robots in industry. The robots need to solve, among other things, the problem of navigation. Since the robots operate in semi-structured and (partially) unknown environments, the local path planning sub-problem has received a lot of ...