Manuel Rodriguez


14 records found

Systems, models and self-awareness

Towards architectural models of consciousness

The lack of a well established theory of consciousness is a major difficulty in the construction of machines that express some of the functionalities associated to them. The ASys long term project intends the construction of assets for engineering any-scale, self-aware autonomous ...
Ontologies provide a common conceptualisation that can be shared by all stakeholders involved in an engineering development process. They provide a good means to analyse the knowledge domain, allowing to separate the descriptive and the problem-solving knowledge. They can also be ...
This paper describes the development of an ontology for autonomous systems, as the initial stage of a research programme on autonomous systems' engineering within a model-based control approach. The ontology aims at providing a unified conceptual framework for the autonomous syst ...
Autonomous systems refer to systems capable of operating in a real world environment without any form of external control for extended periods of time. Autonomy is a desired goal for every system as it improves its performance, safety and profit. Ontologies are a way to conceptua ...
Ontologies provide a common conceptualisation that can be shared by all stakeholders in an engineering development process. They provide a good means to analyse the domain, allowing to separate descriptive from problem-solving knowledge. Our research programme on autonomous syste ...
The motivation of this work is the constant evolution in the industry. Nowadays we are in what is called the fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is being fostered in many countries to get a more competitive industry. Industry 4.0 target is to make more efficient and fle ...
Nowadays we find ourselves in what is called the fourth industrial revolution: Industry 4.0. This revolution is being fostered in many countries to get a more competitive industry. Industry 4.0 target is to make more efficient and flexible plants, reduce times and costs of proces ...
Construction of robotic controllers has been usually done by the instantiation of specific architectural designs. The ASys design strategy described in this work addresses the synthesis of custom robot architectures by means of a requirements-driven application of universal desig ...
This paper describes a work in progress on an ontology-based approach for autonomous system engineering. This is part of the ASys research programme which focuses on the development of a technology for autonomous systems product-line engineering. Such technology will comprehend f ...
In this paper we will argue that given certain conditions for the evolution of biological controllers, they will necessarily evolve in the direction of incorporating consciousness capabilities. We will also see what are the necessary mechanics for the provision of these capabilit ...
Conceptual modelling aims at identifying, and characterising the entities and the relationships of a selected phenomenon in some domain. The obtained conceptual models express the meaning of the concepts used by domain experts, and the relationships between them. An ontology is a ...
An important part of human intelligence is the ability to use language. Humans learn how to use language in a society of language users, which is probably the most effective way to learn a language from the ground up. Principles that might allow an artificial agents to learn lang ...
Four principal features of autonomous control systems are left both unaddressed and unaddressable by present-day engineering methodologies: (1) The ability to operate effectively in environments that are only partially known at design time; (2) A level of generality that allows a ...