
15 records found

Background Well-trained, well-distributed and productive health workers are crucial for access to high-quality, cost-effective healthcare. Because neither a shortage nor a surplus of health workers is wanted, policymakers use workforce planning models to get information on future ...

Inter-municipal cooperation, economies of scale and cost efficiency

An application of stochastic frontier analysis to Dutch municipal tax departments

Inter-municipal cooperation is increasingly popular in European countries. Saving cost is a key motivation. This paper analyses the relation between inter-municipal cooperation and cost efficiency among Dutch municipal tax departments between 2005 and 2012. Motivated by the notio ...
This article presents a one-stage efficiency frontier analysis based on the scaling property. This type of analysis is a not very often applied in empirical work in spite of its nice features. Due to the scaling property the influence of exogenous (managerial) variables on effici ...
In the last four decades, the Dutch drinking water industry has undergone two major policy reforms, namely the consolidation of the industry by stimulating mergers and the introduction of yardstick competition by applying benchmarks. This paper addresses the question of whether t ...

Sustainable provision of school buildings in the Netherlands

An empirical productivity analysis of local government school building operations

Building operations and construction are responsible for a large part of global energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. In this paper, we present an analysis of the efficiency and productivity of the provision of school buildings by Dutch municipalities. A cost function is estim ...

Concentrating Emergency Rooms: Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish?

An Empirical Research on Scale Economies and Chain Economies in Emergency Rooms in Dutch Hospitals

In this paper, we address the issue of whether it is economically advantageous to concentrate emergency rooms (ERs) in large hospitals. Besides identifying economies of scale of ERs, we also focus on chain economies. The latter term refers to the effects on a hospital's costs of ...
Local governments may seek efficient public service delivery through scaling up production, and the quest for the optimal local government size has attracted extensive attention of scholars and policy makers. Indeed, if scale matters for local government efficiency, increasing si ...

Policy reforms and productivity change in the judiciary system

A cost function approach applied to time series of the Dutch judiciary system between 1980 and 2016

The judiciary is constantly undergoing change in order to respond to a wide range of social developments that have brought the sector under increasing pressure. In order to deal with the constant call for enhancing budgets, different policy measures have been taken to downsize th ...

Managing size of public schools and school boards

A multi-level cost approach applied to dutch primary education

In many countries, the provision of primary education is among the core responsibilities of local governments. One of the main questions local governments face concerns the optimal configuration of school boards and size of schools. In this paper we analyse the relation between c ...

Concentratie van de spoedeisende hulp

Een verkeerde vorm van zuinigheid

Voor de Spoedeisende Hulp gelden economische schaalvoordelen. Anders gezegd: bij een grotere SEH zijn de gemiddelde kosten per patiënt lager. Toch is dit geen reden om concentratie van de SEH ’s na te streven. Besparingen op kosten bij de SEH worden namelijk tenietgedaan door opl ...

Doelmatig aanbesteden

Een empirisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen aanbestedingskenmerken en de kostendoelmatigheid van concessies in het regionaal openbaar vervoer

Met het van kracht worden van de Wet personenvervoer 2000 (Wp2000) in 2001 doet marktwerking zijn intrede in het Nederlandse regionaal openbaar vervoer. Via openba-re aanbestedingsprocedures concurreren vervoerders om de concessies (pakketten van vervoerslijnen en -diensten), die ...

Lasten van (samen) belasten

Een empirisch onderzoek naar de doelmatigheid van de gemeentelijke belastingheffing en de uitvoering van de Wet WOZ tussen 2005 en 2012

In 2012 is door Nederlandse gemeenten gezamenlijk 380 miljoen euro besteed aan het heffen van gemeentelijke belastingen, heffingen en het uitvoeren van de Wet Waarde-ring Onroerende Zaken (Wet WOZ). Om deze uitvoeringskosten te beheersen wordt door steeds meer gemeenten, maar ook ...

Lasten van (samen) belasten

Een empirisch onderzoek naar de doelmatigheid van de gemeentelijke belastingheffing en de uitvoering van de Wet WOZ tussen 2005 en 2012

In 2012 is door Nederlandse gemeenten gezamenlijk 380 miljoen euro besteed aan het heffen van gemeentelijke belastingen, heffingen en het uitvoeren van de Wet Waarde-ring Onroerende Zaken (Wet WOZ). Om deze uitvoeringskosten te beheersen wordt door steeds meer gemeenten, maar ook ...

Productiviteit van overheidsbeleid

Deel IV, De Nederlandse netwerksectoren, 1980-2015

Verhoging van de productiviteit van publieke diensten draagt sterk bij aan vergroting van de welvaart en beheersing van de overheidsuitgaven. De afgelopen decennia zijn ingrijpende hervormingen doorgevoerd om de productiviteit in de publieke sector te stimuleren. In de reeks Prod ...

Productiviteit van overheidsbeleid

Deel II, De Nederlandse zorg, 1980-2013

Verhoging van de productiviteit van publieke diensten draagt sterk bij aan vergroting van de welvaart en beheersing van de overheidsuitgaven. De afgelopen decennia zijn ingrijpende hervormingen doorgevoerd om de productiviteit in de publieke sector te stimuleren. In de reeks Prod ...


5 records found

Design, Development, and Implementationof a Demand Forecast Model

A case Study to Improve Cargill’s Demand Management

This thesis project studied the demand planning process of Cargill Global Edible Oil Solutions (GEOS) in the EMEA region and had the objective of developing a demand forecast model for the Retail Food Services customers to improve their satisfaction levels. The scope of this cove ...

Household mobility post-crisis

Examining the impact of macroeconomic and institutional developments on household mobility in the Netherlands

Policy reforms in response to the crisis were initially expected to dampen future house price increases. Instead, the Dutch owner-occupied housing market has overheated not even five years after its recovery. As this could indicate a structural change in the housing demand of hou ...

Preventing falls among the community-dwelling elderly

Analyzing the impact of fall prevention programs and evaluating the applicability of a Health Impact Bond

Fall prevention programs hold great promise to improve quality of life among older adults and to decrease healthcare expenditures. However, there are substantial barriers for entrepreneurs working in the elderly care to set up fall prevention programs, due to the size of the inve ...

Economies of scale: a multi-level perspective

Applications in Dutch local public services

Driven by a quest for efficiency, many Western countries have witnessed merger waves across the entire breadth of their public sectors. The underlying assumption is that economies of scale exist in public service delivery; the idea that the average cost of public services decreas ...