
A.P. de Vries


18 records found

Overview of newsreel’16

Multi-dimensional evaluation of real-time stream-recommendation algorithms

Successful news recommendation requires facing the challenges of dynamic item sets, contextual item relevance, and of fulfilling non-functional requirements, such as response time. The CLEF NewsREEL challenge is a campaign-style evaluation lab allowing participants to tackle news ...

Exploring Deep Space

Learning Personalized Ranking in a Semantic Space

Recommender systems leverage both content and user interactions to generate recommendations that fit users' preferences. The recent surge of interest in deep learning presents new opportunities for exploiting these two sources of information. To recommend items we propose to firs ...
Recommender System research has evolved to focus on developing algorithms capable of high performance in online systems. This development calls for a new evaluation infrastructure that supports multi-dimensional evaluation of recommender systems. Today’s researchers should analyz ...
.Implicitacquisitionofuserpreferencesmakeslog-basedcollaborative¿lteringfavorableinpracticetoaccomplishrecommendations.Inthispaper,wefollowaformalapproachintextretrievaltore-formulatetheproblem.Basedontheclassicprobabilityrankingprinciple,weproposeaprobabilisticuser-itemrelevance ...
Social media allow users to give their opinion about the available content by assigning a rating. Collaborative filtering approaches to predict recommendations based on these graded relevance assessments are hampered by the sparseness of the data. This sparseness problem can be o ...
First Story Detection (FSD) systems aim to identify those news articles that discuss an event that was not reported before. Recent work on FSD has focussed almost exclusively on efficiently detecting documents that are dissimilar from their nearest neighbor. We propose a novel FS ...


2 records found

Information Retrieval (IR) is finding content of an unstructured nature with respect to an information need. A retrieval system typically uses a retrieval model to rank the available content by their estimated relevance to an information need. For decades, state-of-the-art retrie ...
This thesis carried out two major investigations on how the geographical information generated by users in social media can be used to model and predict human behaviours. The first investigation regards the mobility patterns of social media users, which utilizes the relations bet ...