Stefano Cucurachi

15 records found


Two electrolysis technologies fed with renewable energy sources are promising for the production of CO2-free hydrogen and enabling the transition to a hydrogen society: Alkaline Electrolyte (AE) and Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM). However, limited information ex ...

Three-dimensional (3D) printing and geo-polymers are two environmentally oriented innovations in concrete manufacturing. The 3D printing of concrete components aims to reduce raw material consumption and waste generation. Geo-polymer is being developed to replace ordinary Port ...


Harnessing wave energy from the world’s oceans provides an enormous chance to fulfil substantial parts of the energy transition’s demand for electricity from renewable sources. The technology that makes this possible is wave energy converters (WECs) - offshore structures that can ...
World Bank data from 2023 indicates that 75% of the global population resides in middle-income countries, mostly in the Global South. Improved living standards in these regions have led to increased consumption and environmental impacts, including pollution, land use changes, and ...
Harnessing wave energy from the world’s oceans provides an enormous chance to fulfil substantial parts of the energy transition’s demand for electricity from renewable sources. The technology that makes this possible is wave energy converters (WECs) - offshore structures that can ...

From Sewage to Coal

New insights in Char Production: Performance evaluation with a combined Process Simulation and ex-ante Life Cycle Assessment

The aim of this study was to identify the most sustainable way to produce char from sewage sludge that later can be used as a coal substitute for the steel industry. For this purpose, a literature review was conducted on the latest technological developments for the production of ...
In microfluidics, typical laboratory processes can be condensed to a miniature device. This reduces analysis time and required volumes of samples and reagents, increases mobility and flexibility, and is cost effective. In this work, the environmental impacts of three microfluidic ...

Industrial ecology and quantum computing

Potential applications in the field and case study

The activities of humans are increasingly influencing the Earth's systems. The climate is changing and the ecosystems are being affected by our actions. If we stay in the same path, the consequences could be catastrophic. For this reason, there is a growing focus on how to minimi ...

Measuring circularity in the Cradle to Cradle product standard

Compliance of the indicators for product circularity in the Cradle to Cradle product standard with scientific quality criteria

Newspaper coverage of the Dutch nitrogen debate

Uncovering differences in framing and actor portrayal

In May 2019 the Dutch permit system for nitrogen deposition was taken down for not abiding by EU legislation, which resulted in a large debate surrounding nature conservation. I researched the manner in which various newspapers portray this debate to their respective readers, in ...

Recovering critical raw materials from end-of-life multi-junction III-V/silicon solar cells

A criticality assessment of gallium, indium and silicon for large scale production of multi-junction III-V/silicon solar cells and an assessment of the environmental impacts and economic feasibility of recycling end-of-life multi-junction III-V/silicon solar panels

This thesis studies the criticality of gallium, indium and silicon for a 1GWp production of III-V/silicon solar cells and assesses the environmental impacts and economic costs \& benefits of a recycling process for these solar cells. III-V/silicon is an emerging solar cell te ...
The textile and fashion industry is one of the most polluting and resource-wasting industries in the world. At the moment, approximately 55% of all end-of-life textiles are incinerated in the Netherlands as they end up in residual household waste. It is becoming imperative to exa ...
Global plastic production increased from 200 million metric tons in 2002, to 359 million metric tons in 2019. It is estimated that plastics in the marine environment weigh more than 150 million metric tons and by 2050 could even outweigh the mass of fish in the ocean. Over half o ...
Environmental emissions from transports need to be reduced in order to construct a sustainable society. Nowadays, gasoline and diesel account for 21% of the total carbon emissions in the world. In the Netherlands, important projects are present to develop a hydrogen economy by 2 ...

Growing uncertainty

Finding suitable methods of uncertainty propagation for agricultural Life Cycle Assessment in developing countries

Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been the primary tool for the quantification and
comparison of the environmental impact of product systems. Despite ongoing
development of the LCA methodology, uncertainties are often not adequately
addressed in LCA research. The large ...