Alexander Serebrenik

7 records found


Quality Gatekeepers

Investigating the Effects of Code Review Bots on Pull Request Activities

Software bots have been facilitating several development activities
in Open Source Software (OSS) projects, including code review. However,
these bots may bring unexpected impacts to group dynamics, as frequently
occurs with new technology adoption. Understanding and ...

Beyond Technical Aspects

How Do Community Smells Influence the Intensity of Code Smells?

Code smells are poor implementation choices applied by developers during software evolution that often lead to critical flaws or failure. Much in the same way, community smells reflect the presence of organizational and socio-Technical issues within a software community that m ...

How bugs are born

A model to identify how bugs are introduced in software components

When identifying the origin of software bugs, many studies assume that “a bug was introduced by the lines of code that were modified to fix it”. However, this assumption does not always hold and at least in some cases, these modified lines are not responsible for introducing t ...

“There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.” - [M. Scott Peck]

The open-source phenomenon has reached the point in which it is virtually impossible to ...

What if a bug has a Different Origin?

Making Sense of Bugs Without an Explicit Bug Introducing Change

Background: Many studies in the software research literature on bug fixing are built upon the assumption that "a given bug was introduced by the lines of code that were modified to fix it", or variations of it. Although this assumption seems very reasonable at first glance, there ...

Research shows the importance of selecting good names to identifiers in software code: more meaningful names improve readability. In particular, several guidelines encourage long and descriptive variable names. A recent study analyzed the use of variable names in five programm ...